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"Your drink, miss."

"Thank you," I mutter, gripping onto what I think to be my sixth glass of whiskey. I mess with the necklace around my neck as I take another sip of my drink, trying to ease my nerves. Adrienne had disappeared an hour or so ago, saying that she would come back and get me if she ran into any trouble. So, I've been sitting alone at a table, nursing many glasses of whiskey to keep myself occupied. 

My nerves spike again when I spot another person that I know to be an Imperial supplier. The room was full of people who worked for both sides and it was making me lose my mind. Part of me wonders how I ever thought that coming to this thing was actually a good idea, but at the same time, I know I agreed because it's Adrienne. Regardless of what she asks me to do, I'd probably jump right into it blindly and still get it done because it's her.

"You're being too obvious, lovely," Adrienne whispers as she leans over the back of my chair, letting her lips land next to my ear. I suck in a deep breath and then let it out in a heavy sigh, grabbing onto the glass of whiskey again. "It's obvious that you're stressed and I've been told that's your sixth glass of my finest whiskey. I think you should take a glass of water as your next order."

"Is it really showing that much on my face?" I ask, perking a brow to make light of the situation. She hums and then drapes her arms over my shoulders, sliding her hands over my skin before letting them hang around me. She tucks her chin into the crook of my neck, not letting me move around to face her properly. 

"Just a bit. Should I get you that glass of water to clear your head?" she asks, pressing her lips to my neck. I swallow hard and let out a shaky breath, closing my eyes as all of my nerves start to buzz. Perhaps I really should take that glass of water. I shake my head and lean my head back a bit to rest it on her shoulder. 

"I'm alright," I breathe out, opting out. She hums and then stands up, gently pushing my head back into place. She plays with my hair as she walks around my chair to come into view. 

"Come on. I want you to meet someone before I leave for a bit," she says, holding her hand out to me. She had a mischievous look in her eye, making me worry. I furrow my brows and tilt my head to the side. 

"Wait, you're leaving?" I ask as I carefully set my hand in hers. She nods and carefully pulls me up from my seat. 

"Since we aren't going to have any fun tonight, I had to find another source to keep myself occupied," she says, disappointedly shrugging her shoulders. I hold in a jealous scoff that was desperate to come out. "Now come on, I need you to meet this guy in case I show up dead in the gutters of Canto Bight tomorrow morning. I want you to be able to know who do it so you can take care of him for me," she jokes, pulling me through the large crowd.

"Haha, not funny, Adrienne," I mutter, glaring at her, but all she does is laugh in return. 

"Oh, come off it. It's a little funny."


"Michael!" she exclaims, her focus shifting from my eyes to a very tall man that we were now standing in front of. I look up at the man and perk a curious brow, not daring to slip up and send him a kind smile. He smiles down at me and takes a sip of the amber liquid in his glass, regardless of the slight glare I was aiming at him. "Michael, this is Mae. She's a... a life long friend of mine."

"It's wonderful to finally meet you, Mae. I've heard a lot about you," he says, bowing his head while holding his hand out to me. I slowly rest my hand in his and he lifts it to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to my knuckles. A small smile creeps onto my face as he lowers my hand back down. "Adrienne speaks very highly of you." 

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