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"I guess this is it," Greef says, staring at the edge of town. 

I could sense the bounty hunters creeping closer and closer to us, but I waited a little longer, trying to figure out whether or not it was just my mind creating an uneasy feeling in my head. Greef suddenly whips around, both of his blasters drawn. My eyes widen and I reach for my lightsaber, but he pulls the trigger before I could actually snatch it off my belt. 

The blasts fly right past us and both of the bounty hunters behind us fall to the ground. I look back at their limp bodies for a few seconds before looking back at Greef, who was already surrendering his blasters. Cara and Mando kept their blasters trained on him regardless of his actions to show that he meant no harm. 

"Really?" I say, furrowing my brows and tilting my head to the side. 

"There's something you should know. The plan was to kill you and take the kid, but after what happened last night, I couldn't go through with it," Greef explains, shaking his head while keeping his hands in the air. I narrow my eyes at him, wishing that I could trust his words. "Go on, you can gun me down here and now it wouldn't violate the Code. But if you do, this child will never be safe."

"We'll take our chances," Cara spits back at him. 

"You already tried to run, but where did it get you?"

I take a deep breath, knowing damn well that he was right about what he was saying. Moff Gideon sent bounty hunter after bounty hunter after the kid and me. Regardless of what we do in this situation right now, Gideon won't stop until he gets the kid or until he's fucking dead. Both are very viable options, but the latter is a little harder to accomplish than the former. 

"This is ridiculous," Cara scoffs, shaking her head while keeping her blasters trained on the man standing in front of us. 

"Perhaps we should let him speak," Kuiil says, trying to keep the peace between Cara and Greef. 

"Listen, we both need the client to be eliminated. let me take the child to him and then you all can just move on-"

"No," Mando interrupts, his tone heavy and demanding as his hands clench up into fists. I perk my brows up a bit and subtly look over at him, a little surprised by his stern tone. I hum and nod my head, looking back over to Greef with a content smile on my face. 

 "Let's just kill him and get out of here," Cara snaps, taking a small step closer to me as if she had to protect me. 

Everyone around me starts shouting at each other, arguing like a bunch of children. I hold my breath, trying to hear my own thoughts through their loud quarrels. I probably should've stopped them from going this far into the argument, but I think they might've needed to get all of it out right now before we did anything else. 

I snap out of my daze and look directly into Greef's eyes. I quickly lift my hand out to him, keeping my eyes locked on his. Greef instantly holds his head in pain as I search his brain, trying to find exactly what I was looking for. Once I lock onto two different thoughts, my heart flutters. After a few more seconds of searching his mind, I drop my arm back down to my side. 

A sense of trust and a silver puck. 

"What the hell was that?" Greef shouts at me while everyone starts to shut up. 

"He's telling the truth. We can trust him," I say, nodding my head while rolling my sleeves up to my elbows. I roll my shoulders and take a deep breath. 

"How do you know he's on our side?" Mando asks, turning his head to look over at me. 

"We don't have time to go over all the tricks I have up my sleeve right now," I say, shaking my head while keeping my head facing forward. I pop my neck and then nod my head once. "I want my bounty puck."

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