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The sky was slowly changing to its bright morning hue, the overwhelming heat starting to fill the air again. My eyes slowly gaze across the sandy terrain until I spot the two bright blazing suns that were slowly rising high into the sky. 

Mando hadn't come back yet and I had started to get antsier and antsier with every minute that seemed to slowly pass. I swear, he better be okay, or else I was going to have to die and come back as a force ghost just to haunt his ass for the rest of eternity. 

I've been resting against the hover speeder all night long, trying to avoid any kind of social interaction with Toro and Fennec. And even though I had decided not to talk with either of them, I stayed wide awake all night, knowing that I'd be an actual idiot if I were to try and sleep in either of their presences. 

Fennec would probably find a way to knock Toro out and then strangle me with the binders that were still clasped around her wrists. So, I think I'd rather just stay up for the time being if it means avoiding an early-set death. 

"Well, I guess it's been a while. Both of the suns are already coming up to start a new day," Fennec points out, looking over the terrain just as I had been doing. 

"Quiet," Toro snaps, obviously annoyed as he tried to maintain control over the situation. She had been messing with him all night, trying to get under his skin in every way possible. It's been annoying the shit out of me too. 

"Look, there's still time to make my rendezvous in Mos Espa. Take me to it and I can pay you double the price that's on my head," she tries, looking straight at Toro as a slight smirk started to flicker over her face. The two of them were sitting a little ways away from me, but I could still hear their conversation as clear as day. I narrow my eyes and look over to Toro, wanting to see if he was actually considering it. 

"I don't care about the money," he grumbles, keeping his arms crossed. I perk a brow as I continue to stare at the pair. He glances over at me, but he quickly looks away the moment he met my brown eyes. 

Oh, I'm really not liking the energy that's being produced between these two. 

"So she and the Mandalorian get to keep all the money for themselves?" she continues, egging on the wannabe bounty hunter. 

"Only because I let them," he snaps back, clearly aggravated by her words. I furrow both of my brows and purse my lips. Fennec sends me a small smirk and I just shake my head at her, knowing that she would do anything to get out of her tight restraints. She was starting to get desperate, especially since she had to make it to a rendezvous point with a client. 

"It doesn't seem that way to me. I mean, it seems like the Mandalorian is calling all of the shots here," she continues, trying to provoke him some more. I could only hope that this kid doesn't actually get lured into her little trap. 

"Shows what you know. I hired those two; this is my job. Bringing you in will make me a full-fledged member of the bounty hunter's Guild," he says, glaring at her as he explained the situation at hand. She smiles and nods her head, looking as if she were going to leave it at that, but the next words that come from her mouth easily rattle me, telling me that it wasn't over. 

Of course, it wasn't fucking over with her. 

"You've already got something that the Guild values far more than me. You just don't see it yet," she says, not daring to break the intense eye contact she had been holding with me. My eyes widen and I swallow hard, knowing that this situation might not play out in my favor now that she had mentioned that. 

"Fennec, as much as I love hearing your voice, kindly shut up," I warn, hoping that she would be smart enough not to continue on. 

"What are you talking about?" Toro asks, perking up a bit. 

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