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"So, what brings you back to Arvala-7?" Kuiil asks, taking a seat in front of us. I take a deep breath before opening my mouth to answer him, but a subtle movement at the entrance of the shack makes me freeze. 

The IG-unit that we had run into when we were working the kid's bounty had appeared in the doorway, holding a thin metal tray of some sort. Mando and Cara both whip their blasters out while my own hand snaps down to my lightsaber. My fingers carefully wrap around the silver hilt, trying to anticipate what the droid might do. 

"Would anyone care for some tea?" the droid asks, lifting the tray a little more as if he were trying to present it to us. 

You know, that wasn't exactly what I was anticipating to hear from the droid, but I guess it's better than this whole thing ending in a shootout.

"Please, lower your blasters. He will not harm you or the child," Kuiil says, holding his hands up to try and stop us from going any further. "Not anymore, at least," he adds, nodding his head. 

Well, that's a little reassuring. 

I slowly lift my hand away from my saber as the IG-unit places the tea tray down. Kuiil explains how he had found the droid and started to rewire him to fit a different profile and programming. He was no longer a hostile hunter on a mission to get his bounty. He was now wired to care for people, which wasn't really hard to believe. 

Mando looks over at me and then leans a little closer to me.

"Is that actually possible?" he asks in a hushed tone. I perk my brows and slowly look up at him, wondering if he was actually being serious. He continues to stare at me and I let out a small sigh, nodding my head. I can't believe this is the sort of shit I'm answering right now.

"Anything's possible with something that has wires and a circuit board. So yeah, Kuiil rewiring him to be domestic and more of a caregiver is more than possible. Oh, and rewiring the droid's head is actually the easiest part of the process," I explain, shrugging my shoulders while crossing my arms over my chest, "The hardest part about the whole thing is teaching the droid basic motor function. That sort of stuff is usually downloaded into the droid's programming, but when you reprogram and rewire, well... You've gotta start from the very beginning." 

"Is it still a hunter?" Mando asks, looking back over to Kuiil. Obviously, my answer and explanation weren't exactly what he was looking for in this situation. I guess he was looking for a simpler answer compared to the one I had given him. 

"No. It will now protect," he answers, nodding his head once more. I watch the droid fill a small clay teacup with the scalding tinted liquid. He slowly picks it up from the tray before holding it out to me. 

"Tea?" he offers, his head stiffly spinning around to look at me. I take a deep breath and hold it in before nodding my head, gently taking the cup from him. 

"Thank you," I say, pursing my lips into a small smile to be polite. I take a sip of the hot tea and nod my head. It was actually pretty damn good. I rest the cup in one of my hands, resting it against my covered thigh. "Now, that's what you call good tea," I comment, smiling a little more to please the droid. Mando groans in annoyance, making me smile a bit. 

Relax. It's not as good as the tea you made me. 

Mando's head immediately snaps over to me and my smirk grows a little more while I took another sip of my hot tea. I rest the cup back in my lap, slowly turning my head to the side to look up at him. His gaze was fixated on me and I slowly tilt my head to the side, wondering how much he was freaking the fuck out in his head right now. 

I had barely ever used force-telepathy on non-force users since it was a horridly hard task to do if you didn't know how to keep your head from feeling like it was going to implode, but sometimes it was fun and easy to manage. 

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