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"There has to be another way out of this place. Tell me there's another way out of this place," Cara snaps, her eyes frantically flicking around in an attempt to look for another exit. 

"That's the only way in and out," Greef sighs, shaking his head

I fight the urge to snap at them, knowing that they were just freaking out thanks to the shitty situation we were in, but I knew deep inside that I shouldn't be getting annoyed by them freaking out. I just couldn't seem to hear myself think and it was getting harder by the second, saying that they were all shouting the first things that came to mind.

"What about the sewers?" Mando asks, his head popping up a bit. 

"Genius," I mutter under my breath, continuing to try and sort out my own thoughts before delving into theirs. 

"The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers," he continues to explain, "If we can get down there, then they can help us get out of here."

"Sewers! Sewers sound good right now," Cara says with a slight trace of enthusiasm lacing her tone. I couldn't tell whether or not she was being sarcastic, but at this point, I couldn't really care.

I couldn't seem to focus on anything other than the dark feeling that I was starting to feel deep in the bottom of my chest. I take a deep shaky breath and lean my head against the short wall of the bar. I close my eyes and try to focus on one thing at a time, but my mind was throwing every thought I had around and I didn't know what to do.

"Hey, take a deep breath," Mando whispers, his hand gently squeezing my knee. I open my eyes and look over at him, fixating my gaze on the visor of his helmet. I swallow hard and then force myself to take a deep breath as his grip on my knee slowly loosened up. He nods his head along with my breath, sliding his hand away from my leg as I let out my heavy breath. "I'll go check for access points."

He gets up and walks over to the middle of the room while I just sat there for a few more moments, trying to keep my heart at a decent rate. I wasn't about to lose it right now just because Moff Gideon was standing right outside. 

This was not the time for me to finally lose my shit. 

Not today and not right now. 

"What the hell are these guys even waiting for?" Cara asks, furrowing her brows while trying to peek out the window without being seen by anyone. I hear four pairs of synchronized steps and then a large case getting set on the ground with a loud thud. I take another deep breath and lean my head back again. 

"Ah shit," I mutter to myself, knowing exactly what they were doing. The mechanical parts of the large weapon start clicking together, locking into place. "Not good. That's really not good."

"Oh fuck," Cara mutters, her eyes widening as she stared out the long broken window. 

"They're setting up an E-Web aren't they?" I say, letting out a small sigh since I already knew the answer to my own question. She hums a small yes to me and I let out another sigh. 

"It's over for us," Greef says, shaking his head in fear and defeat. I glare at him for a moment, but once I see the uneasy look on his face, I stop. 

"Not quite. I just found the sewer vent," Mando says, looking back over at us. 

"Fantastic," I mutter, keeping myself pressed against the wall while Cara and Mando rushed over to one of the large benches on the other side of the cantina. 

"Let's get the hell out of here," Cara snaps, grabbing onto the top of the bench and pulling it back with Mando. They shove it out of the way and expose the large sewer grate. They try to pull it back, but the metal barrier doesn't even budge or rattle. Through their constant prying and quiet curses, I hear something lock into place and power up. I clench my jaw and shake my head. 

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