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"Fuel, navigation, hyperdrive, landing gear, comms-"

"Can you please stop touching things?" I say, pushing Zero's metal hand away from the control board. I let out a small groan as he slowly lifts his hand up to press another button. I rub a hand over my face and tiredly shake my head, holding in another harsh groan that was fighting to come out. "Just a question, but what exactly are you doing up here?"

"I have to take the ship's diagnostics before we leave," he says, turning to look at me with a stiff movement. 

"What for? It's not like you're the one that's going to be flying or anything. You shouldn't have to worry about that," I say, crossing my arms while perking a slight brow. 

"Wrong, I've been ordered to fly this ship while you and the others work the job."

"Sorry, wanna run that by me one more time?" I furrow my brows and stand to my feet, shaking my head. "That's not happening," I continue walking out of the cockpit. I slide down the ladder and storm out of my ship, striding over to the group Mando had been standing with. "Hey, what's with the droid saying that he's going to be piloting my ship?"

"Let me guess. You're just like Mando with the whole not liking droids thing?" Xi'an asks, smirking at me while crossing her arms. I roll my eyes and shake my head, wanting to slap the smirk right off her face. 

"No, I'm actually quite fond of them. Just not when they're piloting what's my mind," I answer, sending her a sarcastic flash of a smile. She opens her mouth to say something back, but the droid cuts her off before she could say anything. 

"Despite recent modifications, the ship is still quite a mess. The power lines are leaking, the navigation is intermittent, and the hyperdrive is only operating at sixty-seven-point-three-percent efficiency. We have much better ships here in the hangar. Why are we using this one?" Zero says, going down the list of statistics. I scoff at him and shake my head. 

"Well, when Jawas strip your whole ship and you get stuck in a shoot out, let me know how efficient it's working," I spit back, glaring at the droid as it walked over to us. 

"The Razor Crest is off of the old Imperial and New Republic grid. It's practically a ghost in the galaxy," Ran explains. 

Well yeah, that's pretty much the whole fucking reason why I required my nav system and its beacon output. If I wanted to stay alive and free, I was going to have to hide a bit. 

You see, if the Empire found me, they would either kill me or hold me against my will as their little force-sensitive prisoner in hopes that I might switch sides and run back to their whole powerhouse. And if the New Republic found me, they'd probably lock me up for having a mere broken link to the Empire (even though that all happened in the fucking past and I hated every second of it). Having my own Imperial trauma and fighting with the Rebellion for a bit wasn't going to stop them from locking me up. 

"Yeah, and we need a ship that can get close enough to jam the New Republic code. So when we drop out of hyperspace here, if we immediately bank into this kind of attitude, we should be right in their blind spot. Which should give us just enough time for your ship to scramble our signal," Mayfeld continues to explain after Ran speaks. 

"That's not possible. Even for the Crest," Mando says, shaking his head. 

"Excuse you, my ship is capable of doing anything. Thank you very much," I mutter in a matter-of-fact tone. He nudges me roughly, telling me to shut up. 

"Anyway, that's why Zero is flying," Ran cuts in. I furrow my brows and shake my head, still not for the droid piloting my ship. "Mae, I'm sure that you're a pretty damn good pilot, but we need you on the trigger next to Mando for this one."

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