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"So, where are we off to next?" I ask, looking up at Mando as I step out of the eerie building. I tried not to think about the wall I had just destroyed with my purple lightsaber, but I could still feel the outburst I just went through radiating off of me, slowly fading away from my mind. 

"Half of this is yours," he says, not answering my initial question as I stopped in front of him. 

"Excuse me?" I question, wondering what it was he was talking about.

"Half of the bounty. It's yours," he repeats. I let out a small laugh and shake my head, thinking that he was just joking around with me. I mean, of course, I worked the bounty, but what the hell was I supposed to do with half a camtono of beskar?

"Come on. It's all yours, Mando," I say, waving him off. He lifts the container out towards me, but I push it back towards him, ensuring that it stayed right at his side. 

"You worked this bounty too," he says, pushing back against my smaller hand. 

"Mando, what the hell is some low life bounty hunter like myself supposed to do with that much beskar?" I ask, smiling up at him. He doesn't answer me, so I continue to speak. "As our little client said, you could probably make a whole new set of armor with that all those shiny ingots of beskar."

"You're not some low life bounty hunter," he mutters, slowly letting his arm lower to his side. I let out a small laugh and mess with the collars of my thin button-up shirt. 

"Oh, if only you knew, Mando. If only you knew," I joke, a small sigh trailing my words. I clear my throat, dropping my hands to my side while nodding my head towards the busy street beside us. "Now, come on. You have some new armor that needs to get made."

"You know, I've known you for years now. I feel like I would know whether or not you're some low life," he says quietly. I shrug my shoulders and purse my lips into a kind smile. When I don't say anything in response to his kind words, he sighs and starts walking. 

He leads us to the secret entrance that we had traveled through not too long ago. The tunnels get a little too dark for my liking, so I grab onto his arm, making sure that I stay close to his side. To hell with whether or not he would question me about this later. If anything, he was the one that got all intimate by touching my tattoos. 

I could feel his arm tense up under my touch, but he soon relaxes as we make it back into the main forge that the Armorer stood in. I kindly smile at her and she simply nods her head back at the two of us. 

"You're back," she says, humming a bit before speaking again. "And you've brought her along."

"I can leave if you want me to. I don't want to be one to intrude-" I try, wanting to respect their space and their creed. She shakes her head, squaring her shoulders to face me. 

"What color does your crystal emit?" she asks, her blank visor staring intently into my eyes. 

My whole body seems to freeze while my mind begins to rush with fear as I realize that she was one of the few people that still remembered that force-users were a thing. Whether she believed that we were a thing of the past or a thing of the present, she knew about us, and that scared me. 

Now that I think about it, it's a wonder that Mando didn't seem to know anything about force-users. But that wasn't really important right now because the Mandalorian that did know about us was still staring at me, her gaze never leaving mine. 

"Purple," I answer stiffly.

"That is how I know that you are a trustworthy person. You are balanced in ways that even you could not explain," she says, nodding her head once more before looking back over to the other tall Mandalorian. 

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