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"I'm going to have to take your helmet off." 

"He's probably not going to let you do that," I say in a tired sigh, walking through the sewer opening. I step back into the burning cantina, slowly walking back into the Mandalorian's view. "Hey," I say quietly, already knowing that he was going to snap at me for coming back for him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he snaps at me in a low breath just as I had predicted. It sounded like he was barely even breathing under that metal bucket he had over his head and it was really starting to bother me. Well, it was more starting to worry me more than bother me. 

"Well, when you compose yourself enough to annoy the shit out of Carasynthia Dune, she'll let you run off and do whatever the fuck you want as long as it gets you out of her hair, I explain, nonchalantly shrugging my shoulders while rolling my eyes. I take a deep breath and shake my head. "Plus, you kind of made my cry in front of everyone including the kid, which was totally not cool, just so you know."

"Mae," he scolds in a stern voice, telling me that he was in the mood for my jokes or any of the sarcastic replies I usually had stored in the back of my head. 

"We're partners in crime, Mando. We always have been and we always will be. So, I'll be fucking damned if you actually thought that I was going to leave you here to die," I say, furrowing my brows while shaking my head a little more. 

"I will remove your helmet now," the IG-unit repeats.

"Hold on-" I say, trying to stop him, but Mando uses another way to stop the droid. Just as the droid hooks its mechanical fingers under the beskar helmet, Mando subtly draws his blaster, aiming it right at the droid's head. I purse my lips and nod my head, already knowing that he was going to pull something like that. 

"No living being has seen my face since I've sworn into the Creed," he says, his tone low and harsh. 

"Then how about I turn around and stand on the other side of the room? I'll go over there and stand behind the bar while he fixes you up, then we can get out of here together in one piece. And before you say anything, the droid over here isn't exactly a living being, so I think you're going to be perfectly fine," I say, slowly turning around. He doesn't say anything to stop me, so I take that as my cue to stay in the cantina. 

I walk over to the bar and gracefully hop over it, pressing my back against it before sliding down the floor and settling on the cold ground. There were still glass shards scattered around the floor from the broken window hanging above the bar as well as the glass cups that had been set near the top shelves. 

I listen to the sound of his helmet sliding off and clinking against the messy floor. I take a deep breath and lean my head against the wall of the bar, trying to squash any temptation of standing up and peeking over the tall bar to steal a glance of his face. 

I close my eyes and hold my breath, respecting him and the Mandalorian Creed. We made promises to each other. I promised that I would never press about his helmet and I wouldn't press about what he looked like under his helmet. 

So, I'm not pressing, nor am I peeking. 

I think we all know what happened last time one of us tried to do that...

I fucking passed out for two goddamn weeks

"Miss Dameron, you can come back out now," the IG-unit calls out to me. I hum and wait a few more seconds before standing up. I slowly walk back over to the pair and look over to the droid. 

"Did you fix him up?" I ask, giving him a hopeful look.

"I helped as much as I could. He should be okay for now," he answers, spinning his head to the side to look at me. I nod and look back down at Mando. 

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