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"Sorry Davan."

I snatch my hilt from my waist and turn my saber on, throwing it right over to the short lieutenant. The second the burning purple rod hits him, a knife lodged into the middle of his chest as well. I clench my jaw, my heart almost squeezing from what I had just done. 

I look over my shoulder to see Xi'an standing with her arm stretched out, one of her hands missing a shiny knife. I nod at her once and she nods right back, looking annoyed by everything that had been going on. My annoyance for the situation had died down, though. Instead, I was more starting to feel the negative repercussions of killing Davan. 

I hold my hand out to the limp body, drawing my hilt back as well as the small dagger. I flip it in my hand once before handing it back over to Xi-an, who was patiently waiting for her weapon. 

"Thank you, Mae. Now, all of you, shut up," she says, snapping at everyone else in the room. She graciously takes her knife from my hand, lifting it up before pulling it away from my palm. The small gesture almost felt like a peace treaty had just been signed and acknowledged.

"Fucking crazy Twi'. I had that under control," Mayfeld snaps back, glaring at the woman. 

"Oh yeah, it definitely looked like you had that whole thing under control," I spit back at him, my eyes narrowing into a thin glare. A faint beeping fills the room and my heart practically drops. "Oh shit."

"Was that thing blinking before?" Mayfeld asks, perking a slight brow. 

"Think long and hard about it, Mayfeld," I snark sarcastically at his question. He glares at me and I glare right back. "We don't have time for stupid questions."

"Zero to Mayfeld, Zero to Mayfeld. I detected a New Republic distress signal honing in on your location. You have approximately twenty minutes," Zero informs, his usual monotone voice sounding out to all of us. 

"It's a good thing we only need five," Xi'an says, looking unbothered about the newfound information Zero had just announced. 

"Let's go! Move, move, move!" Mayfeld shouts, obnoxiously shooing us out of the control room. We all run through the corridors, trying to meet our little time crunch. There was no way I could let myself get caught up in this shit. After all this time, this was not the way I would be going down. Mayfeld leads the group, turning down random halls until we soon arrive at whatever cell they had been looking for. "Zee! Open it up!"

"You have fifteen minutes," Zero announces as the cell door in front of us slides right open. Once the metal barrier disappears, it reveals another Twi'lek that resembled Xi'an a little too much. I furrow my brows at the sight of the two Twi'leks that were smiling wickedly at each other. 

"Qin," Mando chokes out, his whole body tensing up as he straightens out. I look over at him, wondering why he seemed so nervous and tense while looking at the man that was now hugging Xi'an tightly. I open my mouth to ask him if he was okay, but someone grabs onto the back of my collar and yanks me away from him. 

A small yelp escapes me as the edge of a knife is pressed against the skin of my throat. I watch as Burg punches Mando in the stomach, then shoving him in the cell that the other Twi'lek had just sauntered out of. The cell door snaps shut, trapping Mando inside. 

"What the hell, assholes?" I shout, trying to rip my arm out of Mayfeld's tight grip. Burg and Mayfeld grab onto both of my arms before slamming me hard on the wall, roughly pushing me against the hard and cold surface. Xi'an slowly strides up to me, a wicked grin growing on her face with every sauntering step she took. 

Well, there goes what I said about our fucking peace treaty. 

"Don't touch her! Let her go!" Mando shouts, slamming his fists against the cell door he was trapped behind. 

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