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"Mae! Come on, wake up!" someone whispers, gently shaking my body in an attempt to wake me up faster. I groan and slowly sit up, pushing the person away as a small yawn made its way past my lips. The person grabs onto my hand and pulls me to the edge of the bed. 

"Mando? What's going on?" I mumble, rubbing my eyes while stretching my back out. The ache of my broken ribs wasn't there anymore, making me snap my arms down and furrow my brows. I look around once before meeting the eyes of the person that was kneeling down in front of me. My heart drops, as does my jaw. "Kes," I gasp, my gaze staring into the eyes of my older brother. Except, it looked to be the younger version of him. Maker, he only looked to be in his teen years. 

My head snaps to the side and my eyes immediately spot a long mirror that was hanging on the wall. And thanks to the light that was shining through the window of the room, I caught sight of my clear reflection. My eyes widen as I met eyes with my child self. 

I had to be dreaming.

There's no other way that this could be happening-

"You gotta stay as quiet as you can, alright? I need to get you out of here," Kes whispers, picking me up and holding me close in his arms. I yawn again, nodding my head as I tried to wipe the sleep out of my eyes. I go to rest my head on one of his shoulders, but he purposefully jostles me as he walks, making sure to keep me awake.

"What's going on?" I ask, looking around while rubbing at my eyes again. I could see large shadows moving about the room and they're all shining in from outside. They look like stormtrooper shadows, which wakes me up real fast. "Kes, what's going on?"

"Someone's here uhm... looking for you. Mom and dad told me to get you out of here, that's all, alright? Everything's going to be just fine," he says, trying to reassure me. He lets a small smile grow on his face and he gives me a hopeful look. 


Am I reliving the night that I was taken?

Out of all the things I could dream about, why the hell did this have to come up?

Kes sneaks out of my room, slowly making his way down the hall with me in his arms. He stops when a loud slam echoes through the house. My eyes snap over towards the end of the hall, but I don't see anything. Then again, I don't have even have o see anything to know who's about to step around the corner. Kes lifts a finger to his lips, telling me to stay quiet. I nod, but I know that regardless of what I say or do, I'm getting taken tonight and that's just history for you. 

After standing still for a moment, he slowly starts to creep towards the back door of our small house. And you know, we almost made it, but the second his hand wrapped around the door handle, a deep familiar voice filled the eerie silence that we had been sneaking around in. 

"Going somewhere?"

Kes snaps around and we both spot a tall man standing in the middle of the dark hallway. I furrow my brows at the sight of Moff Gideon and his pretentious cape that was swaying behind him. I wish I could just close my eyes and have all of this disappear. I wish that I could just forget this night altogether. 

"I think you have something I want."

"You're crazy if you think that you're actually going to take her," Kes spits, his grip around me tightening. I stay silent through their short interaction, clenching my jaw in an attempt to hold in the fear and rage that was pulsing through my blood. The sigh of Gideon's subtle smirk makes me absolutely sick. 

"You're quite wrong about that, young man," Gideon says, his smirk growing a little more. He lifts his hand into the air and a group of stormtroopers flood around his sides, making me perk up a little more. Two of them grab my arms while another two shoves Kes away from me. I let out a ragged shout, trying to get back to my older brother, who was now getting pinned against the wall. 

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