03My princess...

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Dante Ventura

I stared at the picture ardently. The cozy smile she wears could charm anyone. Those ocean eyes were absolutely alluring, and her luscious lips were very tempting. I remembered our encounter a while ago; I could not get enough of those lips. I want to taste and savor them again.

A knock on the door pervaded my office. Leon entered with an envelope in his hands. He is my second in command and my best friend since childhood.

He handed me the envelope. "You will not believe this. I can't find any information about Jaime Johnson. As in zero information. But there is something I found out."


"There is Jaime Carter from Sicily, Italy, daughter of Emmanuel Carter."

"I can't follow."

"This woman is not Jaime Johnson. She is Jaime Carter, the daughter of the man who killed your parents and your number one enemy."

Well, the man I'm looking for decided to send his daughter for me. That's a big mistake you had done. Let's see, Emmanuel. This time, I will win, and I'll make sure of that. An eye for an eye.

"I have a plan." I looked at Leon and then smirked.

After I said that, one of my men entered my office. I looked at him furiously.

"I'm sorry, Don, but there is an update from the warehouse."

"What happened?" I asked as I stood abruptly.

"Emmanuel's men bombed out the warehouse."

"That son of a b*tch!"

That man will never stop pestering me. He had the guts to enter my empire, destroy my property, and do everything he could to take my empire. He did not know about my capabilities. I'm not the same person he knew a long time ago. He made me furious to the fullest.

I stared again at the picture of Jaime. What is your plan, Emmanuel?

"Ready the car," I commanded.

The man bowed his head before he went off.


I strode down into the basement where the dungeon was placed. All the prisoners were being tortured in that place. Those traitors and enemies. The ones I hated the most were those people who I trusted but double-crossed me. They messed with the wrong person. After all, I'm Don.

I approached the guy who was tied up on a chair. I slipped away the blindfold, cocked the gun, and then pointed it at his head.

"Who sent you?" I inquired.

Why am I asking a question when I knew who sent him here in the first place?

"F*ck you!" He shouted.

I punched him, then shot him in the leg. A loud squeal came out from his mouth.

"Where is he? Why did he send his daughter here?"

"Kill me now. I will never speak to you." He growled.

Then I shot him in the head.

"What the f*ck?" Leon hissed.

"You're not gonna find anything, Ventura. There's something you wouldn't want to know." I looked at the man who was in his jail. The messenger of Carter.

"Don't mind him," Leon said.

I glanced at him before I stepped out from there.

I'll deal with the girl tomorrow. I will find out what Emmanuel's planning is. Sending his daughter was a suicide. I knew there was a big plan he had. Maybe, sending his daughter was the first plan. Poor girl, was she aware of her father's planning?

I flopped down on the couch. One of my men drew near to me, handing the Jack Daniels. Once I settled down, Leon joined me, handing another envelope.

I opened it and saw the information about the girl. About Jaime Carter. Changing her name was a wise idea, but too bad I'm wiser than her. What a clever idea.

I took her number.

Hi princess. How are you? Are you sleeping now? I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, my princess.

Then I hit send.

"Why are you grinning like an idiot?" Leon asked with confusion.

"Playing with a kitten." I answered.

Just as they say, keep your enemies close, and when the perfect time comes, bite their neck. Be ready, motherfucker. I will hunt you down.

I drank the liquor straight. I was about to stand when my phone buzzed. I looked at her reply and grinned.

You f*cker. Who do you think you are? Where did you get my number? And stop calling me with your filthy endearment. Keep it to yourself!

Wow! My princess...


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