05That jerk

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Jaime Carter

"Let me go!" I really tried to remove his hand from mine, but it gets tighter when I'm trying to be free.

He dragged me to the kitchen. "Why are you doing this to me? I don't even know you and your stupid-" I stopped when I saw five people looking at us. The curiosity on their faces was so evident.

Two women and three men, all of them wearing black suits. Am I in a movie, MIB? Is this a prank? Sure, think that, you idiot. Thinking nonsense right now is a bad idea. I'm in a kidnapping situation and I've been kidnapped by these people.

The five people stood in front of us and bowed their heads at once.

"Don, who is she? Girlfriend? Sister? Flavor of the month?"

"Cut the nonsense, Flake."

Don? Is he some kind of leader or boss? Don means a powerful Mafia Leader. I'm in big trouble right now.

"I didn't know you would come here right now. I thought it would be next week," the blue-eyed man said.

"Ready about the cell and..." The Don pushed me. "...lock her up."

"No. Please let me go!" But the Don left already. I looked at the five people, and they are already looking at me with pity.

The three men left the kitchen, but the two women stayed.

"Hi. My name is Ysabelle, and she is Katara. What's your name?"

"Please let me go. I didn't do anything. I promise I will keep my mouth shut if you let me go."

"Don't be afraid. Come on, we'll bring you to your room." The woman with blonde hair said, her name is Katara.

Room? Huh! More like a cell. I heard it clearly from their Don. They will lock me up and hold me like a prisoner. Why are they doing this to me? If they want information about my Dad, I have no answer for that.

We came across halls with a series of pillars. No doubt, the Greek architecture was incredibly amazing. I looked around, but I saw no one. This hall is completely empty.

"By the way, where did you meet Don?" Ysabella asked.

"Ah...Actually, he dragged me here. He showed up and kidnapped me at my work. In front of many people. But no one helps me." I answered.

The two laughed. "You're kidding, right? You're such a joker. That was funny."

"That wasn't."

The two stopped and looked at me. "You serious? Don wouldn't do that if he likes you."

"What? No, that's not what you think. I was kidnapped by him. We don't know each other, and I have no plan to know him. Please let me go."

The two looked at each other. "That's not gonna happen, dear. Don has eyes on you, and he will not let you go. This is the first time Don brought a woman here. You're lucky."

Lucky my ass. I'm going to die here. That monster, evil, a demon, or whatever will kill me.

"So, what is your name? I really want to know you. I can see you're special."

"You're wrong. I'm not special, and I told you. I've been kidnapped by that monster, and he'll kill me."

"Just say your name, dear. I'm dying here."

"Fine. I'm Jaime Carter."

When I told them my name, their smiling faces became shocked. Do they know my father? Of course, they do.

Ysabelle and Katara became serious. We continued walking until the end. There was a door, actually a big door with two guards in the corner.

"This is your room." And then they left.

I just looked at the two until they disappeared from my sight. I feel my nervousness doubled. I want to go home, but I just couldn't. With the vastness of this mansion, I do not know the ins and outs of it. It feels like a maze.

"Come into your room. Dinner is near, and when Don sees you're not yet ready for it, according to him, there would be a consequence," the guard said with a stern look.

I did nothing but nodded. So, I went in, and immediately the huge bed opened up to me. It is so big and exquisite for me to like. I can't describe it, but this room is so nice. Greek architecture is seen in every corner. From the wall up to the things.

Mafias are indeed, wealthy but wicked. I just sighed at the thought. Yeah, mafias are bad because I was once one of them. I'm really going to die here not now but soon.

Suddenly, the door opened up again. Two women entered, and based on their clothes, they are maids.

"Do you need anything?" I looked at them.

"We're here to bathe you." They responded.

"No. It's okay. I can do that by myself. You can go now."

"We can't. We have to follow Don; otherwise, he will kill us."

That jerk. What does he think of me? A baby that needs her nanny to bathe in a hot shower?



I'm so sorry for the super late update. Hope you all are safe and healthy. The pandemic is still out there, and I'm really scared. I'm also busy with my homework and projects. Just sharing. 😊

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