In the name of LOVE: Last Episode

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The cell room was completely dark. Yiana is being used to this dark room with in a week. This darkness helped her to hide her face from all the persons she doesn't want to face. She almost started hating herself. She widely accepted her punishment thinking that if it was not given she would finish herself, by her own. She knows it is dumb of her thinking all that but she would have no way left to escape from this hatred of people. She understood the ugly truth that no one is happy with what they have. This reality always sucks. This reality is piercing her heart like a needle , she wants to escape it now. She is living a dreadful life which means nothing to anyone now. She is experiencing that living is more painful than death for her. 

I am devastated finally? See no one came to help me, to make me out from this danger. Who will come? Jungkook??! Yiana you still think Jungkook will come to save you, after killing his own elder brother? Why even you thinking of saving yourself dude? You comitted a sin and now you are suffering for that. You should accept it Yiana. No one is for you now and no one should be for this fucking cruel lady!!

Cursing herself like this she weeped badly. She knows these tears are of no use now! Nothing will come out positive in this situation for her , she did everything on her own and it is her ultimate punishment. The soft light of sun came in the cell room through the window bars and fell on her face. The tears in her face and eyes were sparkling. She understood that she doesn't     have much time now. After sometimes she will be taken to there, where she will finally attend her punishment. She will be hanged and no one will save her. She laughed thinking all that in her own. She just have some minutes before her death, inspite of knowing she will die she could do nothing. She was thinking about yeosang. What will he do without her? She promised to her biological mother to take care of him , to give him the love of both father and mother. Alas! What fate she is living with... She can't even keep this promise of her. Lastly yeosang will turn into a orphan now? Who will take care of him? Jungkook? Why ? What connection does he has with him? 

Suddenly some lady came and entered her cell. They held her arm and said that it's the time of her being hanged. Yiana didn't have anything left to say , she almost turned in to a lunatic. Hearing that she smiled , actually smiled for her fate. How harsh it is ! They finally took her to the room where she will experience her death. She entered the room and her heart started to pump fast , she started to lose her all hopes she even had the whole past time. Although she had the full sense to differentiate between wrong and right, but still she did the wrong and the concequences end up here. She saw a rope hanging on a platform. She smiled watching that.

You are going to get hang there Yiana, no one else.

She stared at that rope for some moments thinking herself in such a pathetic situation. She is going to have a pathetic death. She led her life patheticly and now the end of her life is going to be pathetic too. She was taken to a table. She was told to say that she had anything left to say or to wish. 

" I have a question , why the fuck you ask this question to a person who is going to die .. Oh sorry whom you are going to kill after sometime? Will you accept my wish if I say my last wish is to live the whole time I want to live! Will you grant my this wish?" She screamed out with teary eyes.

" How painful you want to make it more ha? How much more painful? At least now I can speak like this ... at least now I can scream out my pains out? I am going to die after some moments! I am leaving my baby , my most desired child whom I wanted to give the best life! How harsh is my fucking fate! " She literally screamed out and the baddass Yiana came out.

All were staring at her with a shocked look. One of them told her to calm down and tell them if anything she lastly had to say. Hearing that she closed her eyes , intertwining her hands , gesturing to pray.

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