Dipsy: * waiting for elevator*
* elevator doors opens*
Ron: no no don't touch me there this is me no no square * singing and dancing*
Dipsy: O - O
Ron: no no don't touch- * notices him*
Dipsy: can I please get in? * tries to get inside the elevator*
Ron: hey! woah woah!
Dipsy: * backs up*
Ron: I'm sick of you disrespecting MY NO NO SQUARE!!!
Dipsy: * honestly scared*
Ron: THIS ELEVATOR is mah nu nu square
Dipsy: oki...
Ron: * presses button* * continues dancing* no no don't touch me there this is my no no square
* elevator doors close*
Dipsy: * cries a little*
Tinky: * wheezing*
weird Slendytubbies vines
Humorsomething to make you all laugh UwU prepare for my stupidity