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"Look who finally decided to join us!" 

When Hyunjin appears in the doorway, the curtains are already open, letting the gleaming sunlight shine through and illuminate the living room, where Jeno is already sitting on the sofa, surrounded by a few other boys. They've clearly been awake for a few hours by now, and even the thought makes Hyunjin yawn widely.

Jeno twists his body round to stare at him, his glasses perched on the end of his nose. "You already know Jaemin-" the boy gives Hyunjin a wave from where he's sat leaning against Jeno's shoulder. "- that over there is Mark, and Chenle's around here somewhere. Mark, this is Hyunjin."

Mark smiles, a mouthful of cereal on its way to his mouth.  "I know, we spoke a bit last night." 

"What happened to the guys you lived with before?" Hyunjin flops into a beanbag in the middle of the floor.

Jaemin speaks up before Jeno gets the chance. "Renjun, Jisung and Donghyuck live a floor below us."

"I know Renjun and Jisung, but who's Donghyuck?"

"My boyfriend," Mark pipes up from the corner. Hyunjin nods in acknowledgement but doesn't say anything else, as someone comes barrelling into the room, his bright hair catching Hyunjin's attention. Chenle skids to a stop in the doorway leading to the kitchen and throws Hyunjin a bright grin before talking.

"Jisung's trying to get us to all walk further into the city now because Hyunjin's back." Jeno groans, mumbling something about just planning on staying in all day. Chenle huffs, "Jeno, put your shoes on and stop being lazy."

"Who is this fucking kid?" Jeno glances to Jaemin. Jaemin rolls his eyes and stands up after he catches Chenle holding a cushion in the edge of his vision. He moves out the way just in time, and laughs along with the others as Jeno gets caught right in the head. "Ow!"

"That's what you get." 

Scowling, Jeno finally gets up, his glasses now crooked on his nose. Jaemin sighs and walks over to him, standing in front of his boyfriend and carefully adjusts them. This seems to lighten Jeno's mood again, and he smiles before kissing him softly.

Chenle gags, catching Hyunjin's eye as the older laughs at him. His bright red hair bounces around on his head as he runs off again. Hyunjin - despite having only just sat down - stands up again and walks past Mark, who doesn't move from his spot and carries on eating his breakfast. "You coming?"

Mark nods.


Half an hour later, and the eight boys find themselves in the middle of the crowded streets of New York. Cars and yellow taxis stream past constantly, the noise is deafening to Hyunjin, who definitely isn't used to it. Jaemin tugs at his arm to pull him along, and they start walking down the pavement. 

"What exactly are we doing?" Hyunjin calls out ten minutes later, when they still haven't stopped walking. They had gone from one street lined with shops to another, now surrounded by places filled with clothes and brands that Hyunjin could never even dream of being able to afford. He stares around them in awe, while the seven others seem completely indifferent. 

"Renjun and I were going to buy some new clothes." Donghyuck - a boy with tanned skin, a round face and fluffy hair - walks over to the Chinese boy. Mark goes to follow him, but Donghyuck steers away, "Nope, not you. Jaemin and Jisung can come."

Mark raises his eyebrows, "What about the rest of us?"

"I don't know, go find something else to do."

Hyunjin chuckles as Jisung, Donghyuck, Renjun and Jaemin wander off, leaving the other four watching them. Jeno and Hyunjin stand there awkwardly, waiting for one of the two others to say something. Suddenly it seems like Mark has an idea, an he starts grinning.

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