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A knock reverberates around Hyunjin's room, distracting him from his phone to look over his shoulder. His door is open, and in the frame stands Mark, wearing a coat with his shoes on and a beanie over his newly dyed hair. The honey-golden strands poke out from underneath, a lot different from the previous natural black colour.

"Hi," Hyunjin says, "What's up?"

Mark leans against the wall, having taken a step further into the room, "I'm hanging out with Nancy, just wondered if you wanted to come?"

Rolling over, Hyunjin crosses his arms behind his head and stares at the older, "What're you planning on doing?"

"Don't know," Mark shrugs, "Just shopping I think. She wants my opinion on something and we haven't hung out in a while sooo... yeah," he finishes. "Coming?"

Slowly, Hyunjin nods and rises to his feet, grabbing a pair of shoes from the foot of his mattress before following Mark out the door.

For mid-spring, its surprisingly cold outside. Mark isn't too bothered, but goosebumps rise on Hyunjin's arms under his single sweatshirt, the hairs standing up on end as they hurriedly rush through the streets, past whizzing cars and bustling crowds until they reach the corner where Nancy is supposed to meet them. 

Truth be told, the reason Hyunjin tagged along isn't Nancy - if anything, Hyunjin doesn't want to see her. He's avoided her since he left her alone two days ago, and hasn't answered any of her texts or calls. So when she rounds the corner and spots them, his jaw clenches. If she says something, I'm screwed.

She doesn't, and only gives Hyunjin a brief smile before linking arms with Mark and pulling him along, courteously leaving Hyunjin to tag along behind them. 

By the fourth or fifth shop - he loses count - Hyunjin's wondering why he even agreed to come along in the first place. Nancy and Mark are too busy doing their own thing, with Mark wondering what he could get for Donghyuck and Nancy bombarding him with questions about this thing she wants to buy. Neither of them have spoken to him once.

So he wanders off. 

Down other corridors in the huge multi-story department store, walking past dozens of glittering clothes costing prodigious amounts of money that Hyunjin can't even dream of buying, he ventures into another section. A smaller room, with racks of clothing that feel so familiar Hyunjin almost does a double take. It's then that he recognises some of the clothes surrounding him as things he's seen Seungmin wear - or at least very similar. 

The entire shop feels like a replica of his wardrobe.

Hyunjin spins slowly in a circle before walking over to a knitted jumper and glancing at the price tag. He's ready for some crazy amount, but instead it's not. Maybe it's not cheap, but it's definitely not like what Nancy and Mark were ogling at earlier.  

Towards the back of the room  is a collection of hats, and one in particular catches Hyunjin's eye. Its the colour of fresh snow, and as soft as a cloud looks in the midday sun. Picking it up, it feels that way too. His first thought is wondering if Seungmin already has it, but when Seungmin's worn berets like this before, he's only ever worn a dusty pink one, and emphasised that it's his only one.

"Can I help you, sir?" 

Turning in the direction of the voice, Hyunjin finally notices the girl at the till that he'd been too buried amidst his thoughts to notice. When he meets her eyes, he smiles briefly. 

"Can I get this, please?" He hands it to her.

"Would you like me to gift wrap it?"

After a moment, Hyunjin nods. "Thank you." He leaves the shop not long later with a small ivory bag swinging at his side.

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