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Hyunjin manages to evade his friend's  questions when he gets home, passing straight through the living room and by the kitchen and running to shut his door behind him. He's really not in the mood to talk about his date, or what he's gonna do if Seungmin ever confesses to him. He's really not in the mood.

Text message from : Flower Boy
Hey, you get home alright?

One side of Hyunjin's lip curls up.

Yeah, he texts back. What about you? is your roommate back yet? It takes a few seconds to get a reply.

Flower Boy
He just got back
Ugh he's complaining that there's no food in the fridge
He was supposed to go get some yesterday.
got to go, bye

The message is final, and immediately Hyunjin sees Seungmin go offline. He sighs, and drops his phone beside him.

"Hyunjin!" Someone knocks at the door. The voice is muffled, but he can still recognise Jeno's tone.

Knowing that if he opens that door he'll be bombarded with questions, Hyunjin yells back. "Go away Jeno!" He hears a mutter through the wood but decides to ignore it.

After this evening, he's not in the mood to talk to Jeno.


Two days pass, and Seungmin and Hyunjin don't see each other, or even text. Seungmin's been too busy preparing a presentation with Jae, spending long hours at Days Gone By with multiple empty milkshake glasses in front of them - while Hyunjin spends most of his time asleep or roaming the city. He meets up with Nancy on one of said walks, and they get cookies to eat while exploring.

Now, it's past ten o'clock at night, with the eight boys splayed out around Jeno's living room again, but this time they're restless. The air con broke the day before, and the lack of fresh air circling round even with all of the windows open is stifling.

"Fuck it's so hot," Chenle groans, pushing his hair away from his forehead and wiping at the sheen. They hum in agreement, before one of them stirs.

Jaemin sits up. "Why don't we go somewhere?" he suggests.

"Like where?"

"I don't know," he shrugs his shoulders. "Oh! No one will be at the skate park."

Not having any ideas and desperate for fresh air, all of them immediately jump to their feet. Most of them are already wearing shoes, with the exception of Mark, Jisung and Hyunjin, but Hyunjin slips on some vans with ease and is the first to leave the apartment.

Despite being on their way to the skate park, the only person in their group who actually has a skateboard with them is Jisung, but he makes Chenle get on and he pulls him along, with Chenle's high pitched screeches echoing into the night. Hyunjin runs to catch up to them, almost glad for the opportunity to leave behind Jeno's occasional glances - as if he's been dying to ask him questions.

And over the past two days, Hyunjin has successfully answered none of them.

He doesn't know why, but the topic of his dare brings a strange feeling to his stomach. For that reason specifically, he's actively avoided looking at Seungmin's contact, and hasn't messaged him once.

Seungmin only works at the flower shop over the weekends, and it's currently the middle of the week, but Hyunjin has even gone as far as to not be on the same street as the shop - just in case.

They make it to the gate, where the others easily climb over and drop to the ground on the other side. Hyunjin lags behind them a bit, but he doesn't mind.

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