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Hyunjin doesn't know why his heart is beating so fast. Sometimes, it gets like this when he's around someone. Although, Hyunjin doesn't think anything about any of those people is significant. So he ignores the feeling instead, putting it down to having normal milk on his cereal when he knows his stomach can't take it. Yeah, that's what it is.

Finally, Jeno's demanding dare is about to be put underway. Originally Jeno had wanted to accompany Hyunjin - to make sure the boy doesn't chicken out half way through - but he shut him out and Hyunjin left the apartment on his own. He's glad he did that because knowing the younger, Jeno would want to analyse everything Hyunjin does and says, and would pressure him to do exactly what he thinks is best. Whereas for this, Hyunjin would rather go alone. 

Now, standing in front of the same flower shop from yesterday, he can't help but hesitate. Why though? Why is he hesitating? What's so different about any other time?

Nothing. Nothing is different. And as an older woman silently pushes around him, throwing the teenager an odd look as she does so and enters the shop, Hyunjin slips through the door behind her.

Thankfully, the boy from yesterday is here and Hyunjin breathes a sigh of relief - after all this, he just wants to get the whole ordeal over and done with to satisfy Jeno. He puts on a charming smile and quickly brushes his hair from his face, trying to look at least decent before approaching the boy sat at the till. 

When Hyunjin nears, he looks up. 

Although he tries not to, he can't help a salty grimace. "Oh god, not you again." Maybe he wasn't supposed to say it out loud, so when he sees the customer's shocked face, he offers him an awkward smile. "Sorry."

Hyunjin recovers quickly and laughs, "No, it's okay. I get it if you don't like me."

"Why are you here, then?"

This time, Hyunjin frowns - yet again, he finds himself confused by the complete juxtaposition between this boy's looks and his attitude. Although, it also intrigues him.  "I came by to say sorry," he finally says.

The boy's eyebrows fly up, "For?" He obviously can guess what for, but he wants this boy to admit it. Call it what you will, but he believes that he's owed at least that. 

Hyunjin purses his lips, "I'm sorry for my friends and I acting like arseholes and disturbing you."

After a nod of approval, the boy smiles, "Is that all?"

Glancing behind him,  Hyunjin sees that the shop has suddenly filled with a few customers, all giving the pair intermittent looks over their shoulders, waiting for them to finish. Hurriedly, Hyunjin shakes his head. "I also wanted to ask you something."

"Go ahead."

"Would you uh..." Hyunjin fumbles over his speech, trying to find the best way to word it so he doesn't sound weird or suspicious. "I was wondering if maybe you'd like to hang out? You know, I could take you somewhere to make up for it?" Yeah. Great job Hyunjin.

Watching the boy in front suddenly burst into laughter kick-starts an unfamiliar feeling inside of him. Suddenly tongue-tied as he doesn't expect the outburst, Hyunjin waits for the boy to stop laughing and reply to him. 

"Really?" he asks, "You don't even know my name but you just asked me on a date?"

Hyunjin chuckles lightly, "Uh, maybe. What is your name?"

 The boy smiles, "My name's Seungmin." 

"I'm Hyunjin." He introduces himself. Then, waiting for Seungmin to say something else, he rocks back and forth on his heels and stuffs his hands into his pockets. "So..."

Scoffing, Seungmin rolls his eyes and looks at Hyunjin with a hint of disbelief. However, the small smile twitching at the corner of his lip shows he's not as annoyed as he's trying to show. "Alright, I guess I could make time. I'm free tomorrow-"

Raising one hand abruptly, Hyunjin cuts him off, "Ah! Sorry, I can't do tomorrow... how about the day after?"

Instead of replying, Seungmin eyes Hyunjin doubtfully as he digs around the desk for a piece of paper. When he finds a stack of business cards, he takes one and writes his number across the back in small, boxy handwriting. Then he hands it to the waiting boy. "Text me." Hyunjin nods, and finally Seungmin shoos him away, "You got what you wanted, now go. Can't you see I'm busy?" He gestures to the now agitated customers lurking around the room. 

Hyunjin nods and quickly leaves. Once he's out of the shop door, he breathes a heavy sigh of relief. He glances down at the business card still tight in his hand, and smirks to himself. 

And Jeno thought I wouldn't be able to pull it off.


a/n: sorry it's a bit short :/


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