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The airport is as crowded as it can be on a Sunday morning. It's filled with mostly businessmen in pristine suits and other people dressed just as smartly, ready to leave home for the week - or perhaps to return home. There's a few people who are in a similar situation to the four boys right now - teenagers and younger adults going back to University before the new year starts.

Hyunjin and Seungmin have been stuck to each other since that night on the cliff when they realised they'd be parting ways, and that follows through now as their hands are clasped together - mainly as a form of comfort.

They visited Seungmin's parents as promised - Hyunjin ended up going with him after Seungmin asked him twenty times, and Seungmin also found time to see Chan and Felix again. The three of them spent the night on the beach, where they relived old memories sat shoulder to shoulder on the cool sand, watching the tide slowly draw in by the light of their fire. They cooked a barbeque and toasted marshmallows just like they used to, and it felt as if nothing had changed.

But Seungmin still felt like something was missing - or more likely someone.

As for Hyunjin, he found it progressively harder to find anywhere to fit in. It made sense - he'd been gone a year, and didn't exactly want anything to do with his old friends anymore. He'd dropped out of school before he could get any qualifications, and that left him at a loss.

But still, he carried on trying and spent his time with Seungmin like it would be the last - which perhaps it would be. Everyday he started to feel better and better, especially after finding another therapist whom he liked even more than Dr Seo.

As for the whole reason he came back to Korea in the first place, his and Jisung's relationship is mending slowly, although neither can quite put the past behind them and probably won't for a long time. Minho still clearly doesn't trust him - which Hyunjin can't blame him for and if anything respects him even more for it. So all in all, he's been doing okay. 

With not much left to do, Hyunjin decided to restart his final year at school, and this time stick through with it.

Jisung and Minho hug Seungmin goodbye outside of the terminal, both squeezing him perhaps a little too tightly, but Hyunjin stays by his side and waits with him. They sit in silence beside each other in the waiting room, facing forward and neither daring to spare the other person a glance. Hyunjin spends most of the time picking at his hangnails, until he accidentally draws blood and raises his hand to suck at it.

He looks over at Seungmin, who's engrossed in something on his sweatshirt sleeve. Hyunjin can't help but smile when he notices the white fluffy beret sat atop Seungmin's head, sitting slightly lopsided but looking incredible either way. That's something about Seungmin, Hyunjin thinks - he never fails to look good, even if he's wearing a worn down t-shirt and tattered jeans.

At that same moment, Seungmin's flight is called. And both of their hearts stop.

Everyone around them stands up, gathering their things and yelling and waving goodbye to their family before walking away to board the flight.

Seungmin stands up with them and readjusts his hat, fumbling to swing his rucksack over his shoulder. He pauses once Hyunjin stands up too. "Well..." he starts, but finds that nothing else will follow. His throat dries, but he puts on a smile to look towards Hyunjin, who mirrors his smile with an added glossiness over his eyes.

"I'm not a fan of goodbyes," Hyunjin mutters with a laugh, scratching aimlessly at his jawline.

Seungmin shakes his head. "Neither," he chuckles. "So... see you later?"

After a moment, Hyunjin nods. "See you later, Seungmin." In the last moment, he finds himself throwing his arms around Seungmin's shoulders, closing his eyes tightly. "Text me when you land, yeah?"

"Of course I will," Seungmin scoffs, shaking his head as if it's the most obvious thing in the world but securing his arms around Hyunjin still, the two of them holding each other tightly for as long as they can. 

Hyunjin keeps his eyes closed, taking a deep breath and leaning further into the embrace.

"I hope things work out for you, petal," Hyunjin mumbles. 

"I hope they do for you too," he hears whispered in his ear. "You deserve that much, Hyunjin."

Eventually the arms holding the boy together disappear, and Hyunjin becomes aware of a light kiss as gentle as a feather brushing his cheek a second too late. 

When he finally opens his eyes again, Seungmin is just a white beret poking out amongst the crowds.



what am i supposed to do with my life now that this is finished
probably focusing on school would be a good start aha

so my two book series, alone + flower boy, is completely finished... i have no words. if you've taken the time to read them, just thank you.

also if you're one of what i'm presuming is the vast majority who wanted them to be together by the end, i tried to keep this book as wholly realistic as i could, and so honestly i didn't write them getting together again because i couldn't see it realistically happening.

i don't really know what else to say, it's going to feel so weird not writing flower boy anymore but i loved it so much 

so i guess that's it from me :) hopefully see you guys soon!

much love
beatuptindrum, over and out x

p.s. i lied, one more thing :)

if this book ever happens to reach 5k reads, i'll publish a small epilogue :3     <  it's up :)

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