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"So where've you been staying?"

Hyunjin glances over at Seungmin sat on the wall beside him, where his hair is fluttering in the breeze. "Jaemin introduced me to his brother Jaehyun- he's a couple years older but has a room in his apartment he's letting me stay in," he replies, taking bite of his cucumber sandwich.

"For free?"

He shakes his head. "No," Hyunjin flicks a fly from the sleeve of his sweatshirt. "Cheap though, working at the flower shop with you has covered it fine."

Seungmin chuckles lightly. "It's made the past two months of work a hell of a lot more entertaining for me," he muses. "When you first started, you didn't have a fucking clue what you were doing."

"Ah, alright alright," Seungmin laughs again as Hyunjin hastily shushes him. "But I'm good now, right?"

He nods, "Yeah." Hyunjin finishes his sandwich and jumps down from the wall, turning round to glance up at Seungmin, eyes squinting against the sun. "Your English has gotten a million times better too - although to be fair you were decent to start with."

Hyunjin hums as Seungmin lands beside him. "Must've had a good teacher then." Seungmin doesn't even hesitate to agree with him. "Hey! You're supposed to deny it and be all modest and shit!"

"Why would I when what you said is facts?"

"You're impossible," Hyunjin sighs.

Seungmin throws him a look and picks up his skateboard. "Yeah, because you're definitely one to talk."

Hyunjin follows and grabs his own board too - now worn down from constant usage with scuffs and chips in the wood. The two boys push off down the street, an unspoken race rises up between them and they effortlessly swerve through the streets, Hyunjin speeding up frantically to catch up to Seungmin, who's a solid ten feet ahead of him. "Where're we going?!" he yells, and for a split second Seungmin looks back at him with a grin on his face.

"Park?" he replies. "Last one there takes an extra shift!"

Giving him a quick nod, Hyunjin waits until Seungmin looks back ahead of him before taking a hard right, barrelling straight down an alleyway. The breeze picks up in the narrow, shadowed area, lapping up under his lilac jumper and causing goose bumps to rise on his skin. 

Coming back out onto a different street, Seungmin is nowhere to be seen, and Hyunjin bites his lip in an early bout of victory.

Hyunjin takes all of the shortcuts he can think of, mapping out this part of the city in his head after memorising it from skating down every street so often. Eventually, the gates to their favourite skatepark comes into view, and he smirks, pumping his fist as he keeps his eyes trained on the entrance. He glances around, but can't see his opponent anywhere - yes, he thinks, for once he can actually win. 

Until a person swings into the gate right in front of him, so close Hyunjin stumbles off his board in fear of colliding into them, and he looks up to meet eyes with a cheering Seungmin. He frowns, "How... the fuck..." he gasps, still regaining his breath after his heart lurched from almost hitting him. "How the fuck do you always get here so fast? I swear I should've beaten you!" 

Seungmin chuckles, reaching out to ruffle Hyunjin's hair to the point where it sticks up on end, and Hyunjin has to take out his ponytail and redo it. "Your turn to take the morning shift, lover boy." The nickname flows so easily from Seungmin's lips, although it still makes Hyunjin's heart miss a beat. He brushes himself off and stands up.

"Just you wait, petal," he says. "I'll beat you one day."

Laughing, the pair pick up their discarded skateboards and walk through the iron gates to the middle bench, dropping their stuff next to it and collapsing onto the hard, scratchy wood. Hyunjin throws his arm over the back, tipping his head back to soak up the sun. 

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