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Hyunjin wakes up to the sound of beeping.

He rolls over onto his side, weakly lifting his head up as his eyes crack open. His eyes fix on someone's back, and that someone is shifting as well. They roll onto their back, hand rubbing just over their heart and they groan in discomfort.

Seungmin opens his eyes, the incessant strident sound disrupting his sleep as apparently his heart rate speeds up. He sighs and sits up, but frowns when the room around him isn't his own like he'd expected. He glances behind him, eyes meeting Hyunjin's, who looks at him with concern.

"Are you okay?" He asks, focus flickering between Seungmin's face and his hand where it's still pressed against his chest. Slowly, the beeping slows down and Seungmin's face relaxes along with it.

He sighs and drops his shoulders. "Yeah," he assures him, rubbing his eyes, "I'm fine." It must have been a dream, he thinks. A dream that he can't remember, but caused his heartrate to speed up and wake him. "Where's the bathroom?"

Hyunjin tells him, his voice soft and laced with worry as Seungmin pushes himself to his feet and pads out of the room.

When he returns, having splashed his face with water and looking fresher, Hyunjin surprises the younger by tugging him down to sit beside him, wrapping his arms around his frame and leaning his head on his shoulder. Hyunjin's hair tickles Seungmin's neck, but he doesn't mind and instead cuddles him back.

"How's your knee?"

"Honestly, I completely forgot about it." He moves his leg around experimentally. "It doesn't hurt at all."

"That's good," Hyunjin replies, before letting out a massive yawn.

"I'm still tired..." he mumbles against his shoulder.

"Sorry for waking you up." Seungmin feels a pang of guilt. But Hyunjin reassures him that it's okay, and proves it with a light touch of his lips against his collarbone. Automatically, Seungmin shies away with a small yelp, scrunching his shoulder up to his ear as Hyunjin chuckles lightly.

"Are you ticklish?"

"No," Seungmin denies. Hyunjin doesn't fall for it and quirks his eyebrow, but lets it go anyway. He bundles his legs up to his chest, still leaning into Seungmin, and turns his head up to face him.

"Hey." Their eyes meet, and Hyunjin holds his gaze for a while, smiling lazily at the other boy. Seungmin watches him expectantly, waiting for him to do something.

Finally, Hyunjin says it.

"Can I... kiss you?"

Time around them slows down as Seungmin nods slowly. Hyunjin leans up, balancing himself on one hand as he brushes his lips against Seungmin's. Their lips touch, and the younger draws in a sharp breath. His heart is captivated by the feeling; there's a million fireworks bursting inside his chest and the boy clamps his hand over his wrist, trying to muffle the piercing sound ringing around them.

Hyunjin shuffles closer and slowly takes Seungmin's hand in his own, holding it steady on his lap as their lips dance together - releasing pent up emotions that either are too afraid to expose. For now, they needn't say anything.

Finally, they break apart, coming away with gasping breaths and burning cheeks. Seungmin laughs quietly, brushing his hair away from his face. Hyunjin continues to watch him, finding the boy next to him so ethereally beautiful and enchanting - like the way the moon sparkles with a thousand diamonds when it reflects its light onto a darkened world. It's not blinding, but effortlessly captivating.

"Your lips are so soft..." he mumbles.

It's so quiet that Seungmin only just hears him speak. He smiles.

"I could kiss them all day."

In any other situation, Seungmin would've cringed at the unoriginal line, but for once he doesn't. He just rolls his eyes, accepts it and inches forward before connecting their lips again.

Hyunjin hums in satisfaction, cupping Seungmin's cheek with one hand and lightly caressing it with his thumb. His other hand inches to go further and deeper, but Hyunjin refuses to let it. He knows Seungmin wouldn't want it. He leaves that hand tucked under his leg and focuses on the feeling of the kiss, how sweet Seungmin's lips taste - mixed with a slight hint of toothpaste. His hair falls over his eyes, tickling his face and making his nose scrunch up.

Seungmin giggles, breaking contact and lifting his hand, gently tucking the stray strand of hair behind Hyunjin's ear. "I wouldn't mind you kissing me all day," he says, "but I have a class in two hours."

After a fleeting check of the time, Hyunjin groans. He wraps his arms around Seungmin's waist and lies back on the bed, effectively pulling the other boy with him. "Don't go..." he whines into Seungmin's sweatshirt.

Shaking his head, Seungmin replies in the same tone of voice, mocking the elder's high pitched moaning. "I have to...

Hyunjin looks up at him, "What time will you finish?"

"It lasts two hours, but then Jae and I agreed to meet to carry on with our project. We're hoping to finish it tonight."

Jeno will be back by then. Hyunjin sighs. "Okay," he says, "So can we meet tomorrow?"

Seungmin nods, "I have work, but only till midday."

After agreeing to meet at the diner straight after Seungmin finishes work, the two of them get up to dress.

"Ah," Seungmin says as he picks up his jeans. "I forgot." Now adorned with stains of blood and an impressive hole in the knee, Seungmin's jeans aren't exactly wearable.

"You can wear mine," Hyunjin suggests, and when the younger eventually nods, he unfolds a pair of black jeans. "I think these will fit." He chucks them over and tugs on a pair of jogging bottoms - he's not planning on going anywhere, so there's no point getting dressed to.

They eat breakfast together - a simple meal of beans on toast, which Seungmin introduces to Hyunjin for the first time. "My friend and his brother stayed in England for a while, and he told me this is pretty popular there... I don't know if I believe him," he takes another bite, "But it's definitely good."

Hyunjin chuckles, enjoying the weird combination of food.

When the two of them linger in Hyunjin's doorway, hands clasped, Seungmin takes the opportunity to steal another kiss. "Tomorrow, yeah? Promise?"

Hyunjin nods, "I'll be there."

Seungmin turns on his heel and starts walking away, down the corridor towards the elevator. Hyunjin stares after him, hands tucked in his pockets, with a faint smile playing on his lips.



a/n: hello :)
how are you?

any thoughts?
(lmao idk why i like asking this but i'll do it anyway)

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