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"That was fun."

Nancy's voice breaks Hyunjin from his train of thought, and he glances at her, smiling. "Yeah, it was."

Above them, the sky is littered with stars as the clouds part ways to introduce them, blanketing the dark night sky with tiny specks of glitter. The ever lively streets and burning streetlamps light their way as Hyunjin walks Nancy to her door, as he'd promised.

"I forgot to ask," Hyunjin says just before Nancy can reach for her keys. "But do you have a boyfriend?"

Letting out a short laugh, Nancy shakes her head. "Of course not," she muses, "And I'm not looking for one, either."

At first, Hyunjin's face is perplexed, but it soon drops into a light smirk when she steps forward. Nancy looks up at Hyunjin with one eyebrow raised and her bottom lip caught between her teeth. "However," she says, her hand trailing up to rest of Hyunjin's chest. "I wouldn't mind something else."


She hums lowly.

Chuckling, Hyunjin rests his hand on his waist and leans down. "Maybe another night, princess."

He lets his lips ghost over Nancy's temple and his breath fans her ear, his thumb taking one smooth slip beneath her sweatshirt and tickling her bare skin before he draws back completely. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Hyunjin watches Nancy with an indeterminable fire in his gaze, while she studies him as well.

"Don't leaving me waiting for too long," she says, hiding her crestfallen eyes, and instead replacing them with a smile and a tilt of the head. "And try not to cause trouble, if you're anything like those boys you're staying with."

Hyunjin laughs, "I'll try."

When he finally gets back to Jeno's flat, Hyunjin's feet carry him straight to the fridge.

"Have fun on your date with flower boy?"

"It wasn't him, that's tomorrow."

Jeno smirks, the bowl of instant ramen in front of him half empty. "Nice, dude. Where're you taking him?"

Hyunjin shrugs, "Uh, he suggested a diner or something, I dunno where it is but I guess I'll find it easily enough." When Jeno just nods - clearly having already lost interest - Hyunjin grabs the first thing his hand finds and escapes from the room. After entering the comfort and solitude of his room, with its scarce decorating yet homely feel, Hyunjin hums in satisfaction when he tastes the pasta with creamy sauce and bacon. Not bad.

He picks around the mushrooms, scavenging the last bits of bacon before chucking the container to one side, making sure to close the lid beforehand. As good as it tasted, Hyunjin sighs to himself after he only now realises how much fucking dairy would've been in that.

"Whatever," he groans to himself. "I'll just deal with the pain when it comes."

Peeling off his jacket, he slings it over the back of the desk chair before doing the same to his t-shirt, only leaving him in trousers and underwear. He slides his belt back through the loops but besides that, leaves the rest of his clothes on and slumps back onto the mattress, heaving a deep sigh.


The next morning, Hyunjin wakes to the deafening sound of heavy rain and thunderstorms. It almost sends him back to sleep, but he forces his eyes open again when he sees his phone light up with a text message from the corner of his eye.

Flower boy
Well the weather's pretty shit
you still up for the date?

Dropping his head back to his pillow, Hyunjin rubs at his sleepy eyes to try and clear his vision as he punches out a response.

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