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Hyunjin's foot shuffles on the worn-down carpeted floor beneath him as he kicks his leg back and forth. He checks the number displayed on the plaque in front of him, confirming it in his head over and over again before he can even work up the courage to knock. 

His pale knuckles rap against the wood, and almost immediately he hears a surprised yelp from the other side. Seconds later, the door inches open. At first, all Hyunjin can see is an eye, which widens after seeing him. 

"What are you doing?" Seungmin asks through the crack in the door. 

Shrugging in response, Hyunjin shifts his weight from foot to foot, "Do you want to hang out today?"

"I have a seminar at two."

He checks his watch, "Come on, it's like nine-thirty. Please?" Seungmin opens the door a bit wider. Now, Hyunjin smiles to himself at the sight of Seungmin's messy ruffled hair and pyjamas, and how his eyes still aren't fully open yet. "Did I wake you up?" he asks.

"Kind of," Seungmin mumbles, "It's okay though, just give me a minute." He starts to open the door wider to let Hyunjin in, but stops. "Actually..." he glances over his shoulder, "Changbin is still in bed. Do you mind waiting out there?" Taking a small step away from the door, Hyunjin nods and watches the door shut softly in his face again.

As soon as the door closes, Seungmin lets out a breath and leaps into the bathroom to have a shower and brush his teeth. He hears a groan and lots of shuffling as Changbin wakes up as well, completely oblivious to the boy who had just been outside his door. Although, when his roommate comes crashing back into the room, hurriedly tugging a shirt over his head, he gets the gist.

"Going on a date with your boyfriend?" he spits out.

Seungmin slides under his own bed to grab a pair of shoes, gritting his teeth as he pushes himself to his feet again. "Fuck off Changbin."

The last thing Seungmin does is secure a watch around his wrist. It feels really strange - Seungmin never wears watches, or anything that heavy around his wrists, but starting from today he's going to have to get used to it.

When he steps out into the corridor, Hyunjin is crouching down against the opposite wall. Upon hearing the door open and seeing a pair of converse at the top of his vision, he looks up and his face instantly stretches into a smile. "Hey," he beams. He stands up, shaking his legs out a bit and grins at Seungmin. "You okay?"

The younger nods, "A little tired, but better now."

"Why're you tired?" 

Seungmin sighs, "University." He reaches around Hyunjin to press the buttons as they step inside the elevator, and for a second Hyunjin feels their chests press against each other and a shiver runs down his back. 

"I'm guessing if I was actually doing a degree, I'd know what you mean."

The only response he gets is a roll of the eyes as they drop downwards.

"Sorry for waking you up," Hyunjin says. "I should've text first."

Shaking his head, Seungmin replies. "I don't mind," he says, "I didn't have any plans."

The fresh morning air greets them as they leave the building, accompanied by a serene blue sky void of dark clouds. The streets are nearly empty, besides the odd passing vehicle rumbling down the streets. The two of them walk down the steps and onto the pavement, taking a left and heading farther into the city. Hyunjin quickly takes his chance and grasps Seungmin's hand, lacing their fingers together and gently swinging their arms between them. 

He glances down, and frowns. "What's this?" he asks, nodding towards the watch on Seungmin's wrist. "You never wear watches, or even bracelets."

"I got it yesterday," Seungmin tells him. "I don't have a choice whether I wear it or not. It monitors my heart rate and warns me when it gets too high." He sighs, "I feel like I'm not allowed to feel things anymore."

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