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The scratchy sound of his screwdriver against the grip tape sends unpleasant shivers down Seungmin's spine. His new skateboard lies in his lap whilst he sits cross-legged on his bed, and god, grinding down the grip tape is always the worst bit. Imagine nails on a chalkboard.

Unfortunately, his risky late night trips to the skate park prevailed yesterday, and he snapped his board clean in two. Lucky the skate shop was open this morning, and so Seungmin took his first chance after class and bought a new one. His old board was bland, with no real design on it - and he's been using it since he started skating, so it was bound to break soon. This new board is nothing short of bright, with a sunflower yellow deck decorated with a huge smiley face. He even managed to get his hands on black and white checkered grip tape, but despite it's cool appearance, it isn't any nicer to stick to the deck.

Finally he gets to put the screwdriver down and give his ears a break, but before he can pick up the box cutter, his door bursts open. At first he suspects Changbin, because he thought he locked the door after the elder left, but to his surprise it's Jae who comes barrelling in, throwing himself straight into Seungmin's desk chair.

He looks out of breath, and Seungmin can only guess he ran here all the way from his parent's diner.

"Um, hello?" he says, hoping for Jae to at least explain what he's doing right now, and why he didn't call.

"Hi..." he pants, leaning back in the chair and tipping his head back, taking a minute to catch his breath. "Sorry for not... calling... I was in a rush..."

Seungmin sits up straighter, thinking something bad must've happened, and tears his attention away from his skateboard, laying it down on the bed next to him. "What happened?" He watches a steady blush appear on Jae's face, and the older mumbles something about it being a stupid thing. "Well, you're the one who ran here," he reminds him, "So you might as well tell me."

"I mean, I was just minding my own business, right?" Jae begins, not even meeting his friend's eyes, instead his focus is fixed somewhere else - probably on the thing making his smile light up brighter with every second. "And this guy walked in and sat down."

Rolling his eyes, Seungmin says, "You ran all the way here to talk about a guy. Really?"

Immediately Jae starts defending himself. "He was so cute though! And his smile was so pretty and hhuhhhhhhh," he sighs deeply. "His voice was like the most beautiful thing I've ever heard and his accent was adorable. As soon as he left, I was - like - about to burst and that's why I ran here. I feel like I shouldn't be thinking so much about him and that's why I wanted to talk to you!" His voice raises when Seungmin starts chuckling.

"You said he's got an accent right? So, he's probably not from New York - I hate to break it to you Jae, but you'll probably never see him again."

"He left me his number though!"

I guess that changes things, because suddenly Seungmin isn't laughing anymore. "And you only mentioned that NOW? Jae, what the hell do you want my opinion on if he literally gave you his number!"

Jae shrugs, "I went to clear his plate away and he left it with the tip. I don't even know if it was meant for me."

Again, Seungmin rolls his eyes. "Was their anyone else it could've been?"

"I guess not, but-"

"Ding ding ding! There's your answer. You're welcome," he points a finger at the boy sat in front of him and laughs. "Problem solved."

Jae smirks, "Okay, that's my problem solved... what about yours?"

Seungmin pauses, "Mine? What problem-" he comes to his realisation and yells, kicking his foot out at Jae and narrowly missing his arm. "i don't have a problem."

Laughing, Jae shakes his head adamantly, "Are you sure? 'Cause you brought a dude out for dinner with you and haven't spoken a word of him since. That sounds like a problem to me."

"It's not-" he starts, but then Seungmin backtracks and sighs, "It's weird. He seems cool and genuinely fun to hang around with, but I dunno, there's something off about him and I can't figure out what." He fiddles with a bearing that was in his lap and groans. "I get little fluttery feelings when I hang out with him - which is kind of stupid because we've hung out like three times. It's a bit annoying to be honest. Anyway," he desperately tries to change the subject away from his love life, instead turning it back on Jae. "Did you get a name for your mysterious customer?"

Jae nods - and there's that smile again. "Younghyun."


a/n: i'm sorry this sucks 🇧 🇦 🇱 🇱 🇸 

thoughts? (you can agree if you want i won't get offended ✌︎︎☺︎︎)

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