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Just when Seungmin sees the last customer out, keeping the beaming smile present on his face as he thanks them, someone appears in the corner of his vision. But they're not walking - they're skateboarding. For Seungmin, his smile becomes real and his eyes crinkle at the corner. He pokes his head out of the door and waits as Hyunjin rolls up to him, kicking his new skateboard up and 'catching' it. He tries to, but it ends up clattering to the floor.

"Dammit," he mumbles, "I was trying to impress you."

Bending over to pick it up, he tucks it under his arm and leans against the door frame, staring at Seungmin while the younger chuckles. "You definitely did impress me," he says. "You looked really comfortable and didn't wobble once."

"I'm glad it looked like that," Hyunjin laughs. "Are you nearly done?"

Seungmin nods, "I've just got to wait for the owner to come and close up, then we can go." He steps back and lets Hyunjin walk inside, not forgetting to turn the sign on the door around so the wooden plaque reads CLOSED to any passersby.

Hyunjin settles himself in the chair at the counter, grinning when Seungmin complains under his breath. He spins himself round with his feet and leans his head back, closing his eyes. 

It doesn't take long for the owner of the shop to arrive, leaving Seungmin and Hyunjin with the rest of the Sunday afternoon free. "What shall we do?" Seungmin asks as they're walking in the vague direction of his apartment. 

"I don't know," Hyunjin admits, "I didn't think much past this bit..." he pauses to think, "Why don't we go back to yours and get your skateboard?"

"You want to go to the park?"

He shakes his head, "No... We could just ride around the city for a bit - like you said." Seungmin agrees and takes a sharp left, where his block quickly comes into view and he runs up the front steps. Hyunjin hesitates with following him, until the younger turns around. 

"You can come up, you know," he calls back from the top step. "It's not illegal or anything." He waits for Hyunjin to catch him up before they move on, and Seungmin ignores most of the people he passes even when they stare at his hand - which is gripping Hyunjin's and pulling him along. The older stumbles along after him, his feet struggling to find footing underneath him. Thankfully, Seungmin tugs him to the elevator and they stop - although Seungmin doesn't drop his hand.

Hyunjin glances down between them, at their interlocked hands hanging limply. A small jolt of electricity starts at his fingertips and trails up his arm, flowing right to the left side of his chest and settling there. Subconsciously, his grip tightens.

Somehow, Seungmin's half of the room is exactly as he expected it to be - the warm, welcoming colours and scattered odd trinkets fit the younger perfectly. There's a plethora of blankets and pillows thrown haphazardly across his bed, which upon seeing Seungmin hastily tries to straighten out. Eventually he just gives up and grabs his skateboard from its place leaning against his desk. 

Hyunjin gasps, "You got a new one?" 

"Yeah," Seungmin sighs, "I kind of broke the other one. It's fine though, that one was on its 100th last ride anyway." 

A shuffle comes from behind them, making Hyunjin spin around - completely unprepared to see a second teenager entering the room. He throws one odd glance to Hyunjin before shoving straight past him and flopping down on his own bed. Seungmin completely ignores the newcomer, so Hyunjin takes that as an example and does the same. 

Just as they're about to leave, though, a deep voice speaks out. "Your boyfriend looks like a girl."

It's not the first time Hyunjin's received that comment - it's mainly because of his hair and the fact that he actually likes to look after his appearance - so all it garners from him is a dry chuckle. Seungmin, though, turns around. 

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