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"So..." Hyunjin trails, taking a deep breath before carrying on. "You know what Changbin said earlier?"

He swings his feet below him, waiting for Seungmin's response. The two of them are sat on a ledge overlooking the east river, their skateboards perched besides them and their backs to the people walking by.

"Which part?"

"The bit about... us being boyfriends?"

For a second, Seungmin falls silent. But then he just clears his throat and nods, "What about it?"

"Well, do you want to?"

Hyunjin's eyes never leave his lap, but he can feel Seungmin's gaze on him after his head whips around to face him. "W-what?"

He takes a deep breath. 

"Do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Seungmin's breath catches in his throat and his knuckles turn white where they're gripping at the ledge. It takes a few seconds before his brain clears again and his lips part slightly. His gaze flickers out to the rippling waves in front of them - it would be calming if it weren't for his heart hammering inside his chest.

When Seungmin doesn't respond, Hyunjin feels a tightness in his throat and he looks away. I messed up, he's sure of it. 


His head jerks back round. "Huh?" 

Their eyes meet, and slowly Seungmin's face stretches into a confident smile. "I said okay," he repeats, "I'd like to be your boyfriend." 

Hyunjin's face heats up unexpectedly, and he lets out a laugh before grabbing hold of the other's hand that lay between them. He nods to himself, unable to help his drifting focus that results in lingering gazes directed at the boy next to him. Seungmin's face also flushes darker, but he tries to hide it by pulling his hood up over his head and refusing to look at the older.

Hyunjin tries to get his attention again, by tugging at his hand trying to lean forward to catch his eye. Unfortunately he doesn't manage, because if he leans any further forward then he'll fall into the river. Seungmin notices his efforts, but still doesn't face him, just holds back a smile and thinks to himself about how cute Hyunjin can be.

Eventually Hyunjin reaches behind Seungmin and taps him on the opposite shoulder. 

This time, Seungmin does react, but he definitely doesn't fall for it. He immediately stares at Hyunjin and rolls his eyes. "Did you actually think that would work?" he deadpans. 

Hyunjin giggles, "It did, I got your attention." He scoots closer until their sides are touching, their hands resting on Hyunjin's thigh. While Seungmin groans something about him being too cheesy, Hyunjin gently pulls Seungmin's head down to lean on his shoulder, while he settles his own head on top of the younger's.

"What are you doing?"

He smiles, "It's comfy." Seungmin draws his legs up in front of him, wrapping his arms tentatively around Hyunjin's waist, and relaxing when he doesn't seem to mind. Their skateboards are somewhere beside them, probably at risk off rolling off somewhere, but the two of them stay looking out over the water, and the hundreds of cars crossing over the bridge that seems so far away but is actually right above their heads. 

People pass by behind them, a constant thrum of footsteps echoing around the walkway but the noises dampen down to the two of them. They both feel the warmth radiating from the other and find themselves relaxing completely into each other's embrace.

The sun gradually sinks below the horizon and the number of passersby lessens until Seungmin and Hyunjin are the only two left, and they haven't moved at all. 

They know that eventually they'll need to go home, but both of them want to know why? Why do they have to go home when they feel so at home right now?

a/n: stay strong stays <3

if you guys need some new music to relax to, I really recommend Bruno Major. i don't have a particular song, but all of his stuff is really nice and calming.

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