💗Chapter 14💗

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I walked into the café to get some coffee. I sat on the stool to wait for the waiter

The moment I ordered and I was about to drink it I heard a man groan and sigh, before he cursed, he was sitting on a stool right next to me.
"Fuck. This girl will be the end of me", he muttered. It was obvious that he was pissed

"Now how the hell am I going to call her. Hey waiter do you have a charger?", he asked as he rubbed his face
The waiter shook his head and went back to serving the other customers
I turned to look at him and boy was this man handsome
His brown hair, blue eyes, and how he furrowed his eyebrows when he was annoyed

I don't know what came over me but I turned to him completely and smiled

"This is not your day, is it?"
He chuckled and turned to me
"Nope, it really isn't"

"Here, you can use my power bank", I said as I handed him the power bank and cord

"Thanks a lot, uh..."


"Ethan. Nice to meet you, Blanca. If I may ask, what is your last name?"

"Garcia, you?", I hope his name isn't what I think it is. I have to lie about my last name because I know the little Monero was searching for me.

"Smith, Ethan Smith. Nice to meet you Blanca", he said with an outstretched hand

I took his hand

"Nice to meet you too Ethan", I smiled and turned back to my coffee

"Hello? Yeah, I thought I told you to charge my phone. What do you mean? Yes, I remember telling you to charge it! You know what I'm coming home", he ran his hand through his hair and I found it sexy

'Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you?? You are here falling in love with some guy you only met today, meanwhile a man is madly in love with you at home and you rejected him', my self-conscience barked

'I didn't ask him to fall for me. And besides, who said I was falling for Ethan?', I argued with my self-conscience

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Ethan tapped me on my shoulder

"Thanks for the power bank. I'm leaving, see you when I see you Blanca", he smiled and handed me the power bank

I took it and smiled back
"Bye Ethan. Hope to see you again soon"

I waved and he left, I sighed. I seriously hope I'll get to see Ethan again
"Liam stop!!", I was running around the garden, trying to get away from Liam, who was chasing me with the water hose

"No! I'm gonna get you, princess. And when I do you'll be completely wet", he laughed

I was running when I bumped into Suarez

"Careful there sweetheart", he said as he caught me before I could fall
"Uh...thank you Suarez", I said quietly

"Suarez don't let her go!!", Liam screamed

"Don't worry I got her", he smirked

"I'm sorry Suarez, but now you don't", I smiled and stepped on his leg, he groaned in pain and left me. I stuck my tongue out at him and immediately ran around the house but the two of them surrounded me

I never thought I'd be in this position with men. I've never had a good experience with men. I never had good men in my life...

But these men were my friends...they were my family

"Alright Liam, if you want the chance to have children, I suggest you put that hose down and surrender. Or else...", I threatened
"Or else what?!", he challenged

"Or else you'll have my knee in your area and you will have your self to blame", I said confidently

His mouth dropped open as he stared at me in shock, and I heard Suarez chuckle, the deep sound filling my ears.

"Wow Mia, you do know how to scare a man", Liam chuckled and dropped the hose. He came towards me and put his hand around me
"And that's what I like about you", he pinched my cheek

"I know Liam", I grinned.

"Hey Suarez, let's go have dinner", Liam said as he moved towards Suarez and he nodded
Just as I was about to go and join them my phone vibrated in my back pocket
I checked the caller ID and smiled
"Guys I'll catch up with you later", I yelled as I went to my bedroom upstairs

"Bonsoir mon amie!", I chirped
"Bitch, I failed French back at school, so don't even be like Liam and speak French with me", she laughed and I rolled my eyes

"Good evening my friend. Bitch that is basic French", I laughed and she joined me

"How is everyone there?", and once she asked me that question I knew she was mostly talking about Liam.
"He's fine Blanca", I sighed. "What's wrong?", there was a silence before she finally spoke

"I'll tell you when I'm sure. Just know that I think I'm falling for someone"
I gasped because for some reason I felt it wasn't Liam.

"Alright, Blanky. Tell me when you're ready. I-", I was cut short when Liam entered my room

"Hey princess, come downstairs. We're watching a movie!", he said as he flopped next to me on my bed
"Who you talkin' to?", he asked as he snatched my phone

"Liam!", I whined
"Whoever you are, she has to go and watch a movie with her two very handsome boyfriends", he said into the phone

I facepalmed and smacked his head
"Liam it's Blanca!", I exclaimed
"Ohh...my bad please continue"
"No, talk to her. I'm starving and she wants to talk", I smirked and left
"Hey there heartbreaker", Liam chuckled

"Excuse me?!", I half yelled
"Sorry B, that came out wrong. How are you doing?", he asked

"I was doing fine, but my evening feels boring when I think about it. Anyways, I'll leave you to go watch your movie", I said, I was just about to hang up when he spoke

"I think there is something up with Mia and Suarez", he laughed
To think about it I always secretly shipped them, but I didn't know that Liam felt the same way

"Yeah, I think they like each other. Hey, I'm bored. Go downstairs and tell me what they are doing", I said excitedly like a teenager

"Yeah, I'll go see", Liam laughed
After a while, he finally spoke again
"They are in the kitchen", he whispered I almost didn't hear him

"Mmm...they are microwaving popcorn and flirting with each other", he laughed

"Liam!!", a voice yelled, and I knew then that we were busted
"Busted", Liam whispered
Oh how I missed my best friend
Hey y'all, your girl's back with another exciting chapter
I wonder how Blanca could be falling for someone who isn't Liam?

Anyways, let me know what you think in the comments, and please, please, please don't forget to vote
See you when I see you
Xoxo, Pearl

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