Chapter 1

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 “Aunt Petunia where is Harry?” I asked my aunt as I helped her clean the kitchen.

“He is at the park,” she replied coldly as I finished cleaning the kitchen I walked into the living room I looked out the window to see Harry and our neighbor carrying Dudley down the street I ran and opened the door.

“What happened?!” I yelled as the neighbor left and I carried Dudley in with Harry

“Dementors we were attacked by dementors.” He breathed as he set Dudley on the couch. My aunt and uncle came running down the stairs to help with Dudley

“Who did this to you boy?” My uncle asked, Dudley slowly raised his hand and pointed at Harry. Then there was yelling until a letter arrived.

“… for the use of under age magic, Harry James Potter is here by expelled from Hogwarts.” The letter yelled and then ripped itsself up. Harry ran to his room and my aunt and uncle took Dudley to the hospital.

“Harry wait!” I ran up the steps to our room as he began to kick our furniture.

“Harry stop!” He knocked over the picture of our mum and dad. He sat on the edge of the bed and put his head in his hands. I slowly sat next to him and rubbed his back until our door started to open to reveal Mad-Eye Moody and other people.

Grimmauld Place

As we walked in we began to walk towards the kitchen where we saw people talking until Mrs. Weasley ushered us upstairs. I walked into Ginny’s room and mine.

“Paige!” Ginny yelled as she wrapped her arms around me

“Hey, Gin!” I smiled at her and we began to go into a conversation. Crack! I heard from behind me I turned around and was greeted by Fred and George Weasley. They each wrapped their arms around me.

“Ello Paigey!” They said at the same time

“Hey Fred, Hey George!” I have always been close with Ginny and the twins. I sat on my bed with Fred next to me. Ginny and George both went to see Harry.

“So how have you been?” Fred asked I pushed a piece of hair out of my face and smiled at him.

“Um okay, I guess. I have spent a lot of my summer helping Harry cope and helping my aunt around the house.” He nodded and smiled at me. 

Things between us are a little awkward see last year we found out that we liked each other. I thought he would ask me to the Yule ball but he asked Angelina Johnson right in front of me. I still like him but I don’t think he likes me.

“Paige I am so sorry for last year.” Fred said

“No, Fred, I get it, you didn’t like me and I hope you and Angelina are happy.” I put on a fake smile because it was breaking my heart. He frowned and took my hand in his.

“No Paige I don’t like Angelina I like you, I have liked you since I first met you. Can you give me a chance?” I softly used my thumb to rub his hand that was laced with mine. I nodded at him and he smiled

“Thank you Paige!” He softly kissed my cheek and then apparated out. I touched my hand to the spot where he kissed me and smiled. I started to walk down stairs for dinner when I ran into Harry.

“Hey Harry.” I smiled at him he smiled back and grabbed my hand and pulled me into his room

“Why are you so happy!?!?!” Harry asked sitting down across

“No reason…”

“Paige I am your brother. Tell me!” he begged

“I talked to Fred!!” I smiled but he frowned.

“Paige I don’t want you to be hurt and well he is a prankster, older and every girl at the school likes him so…” I didn’t let Harry finish before I stood up.

“Why can’t you be happy for me?!” I yelled storming out of the room.

All my life has been a pool of drama and right now all I want is for my brother’s support. 

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