Chapter 2

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Paige’s Pov

I walked downstairs and started to help Mrs. Weasley in the kitchen.

“Paige, dear you don’t have to help,” Mrs. Weasley reassured me, trying to do everything at once.

“No I love to cook, and I am used to helping out Mrs. Weasley.” I smiled at her and continued to help.

I love Mrs. Weasley, she's like my mum.

After we made dinner she told me to go get everyone to eat. I walked into Harry and Ron’s room and told them and told them to spread the news, but when I got to Fred and George’s room, George immediately went down but Fred stayed.

“Fred, are you okay?” I asked sitting down next to him. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

“Nothing, just wanted to be with you.” He sent me a crooked grin. He started to lean in at first I was surprised but also leaned in until his soft lips met mine.

After a little bit it was a full snog.

"Ew," Ginny commented on her way past his room to the kitchen. 

“Paige, Fred, dinner!!” Mrs. Weasley called. I released Fred and ran downstairs.

“Sorry everyone.” I sat in my chair and got a wink from Sirius. Sirius then began to tell Harry and I about the Order and everything that is going on.

“No Sirius they are children!” Mrs. Weasley yelled at Sirius which started it’s own argument so I started a conversation with Ginny

“Wanna go upstairs?” Ginny asked after a few minutes I nodded my head and we walked upstairs to our room.

One hour later

“He is so cute!!” I said to Ginny as we were talking about our favorite bands

“Talking ‘bout me?” asked Fred as he walked in with George right behind him.

“No I was talking about George,” I teased. Fred gave me a small pout so I kissed him.

“You two are dating?” asked Ginny we both nodded. "Oh yeah, I saw you two and your little snog-fest."

“Paige I thought we had something!” George teased. I simply rolled my eyes and went back to Ginny.

“Guys, I never unpacked!” I quickly started to put my stuff away. When I finished I set a picture of my parents, a picture of Ginny and I and then I picture of me dancing (all moving, of course) on my nightstand.

“You dance?” Fred and George asked at the same time and I nodded.

“Since I was three.” I smiled at Fred and he winked.

“Come on George let’s leave these two alone.” Ginny grinned, pulling George from the room. I went over and sat next to Fred but he pulled me onto his lap and kissed my cheek.

“Harry has his trial tomorrow…” I said sadly.

“Don’t worry, Harry will be okay.” Fred said giving me another kiss but then I ushered him out so that I could sleep. 


The picture is Paige and the video is supposed to be how Fred and Paige! If anyone can make a video using Fred and Michelle Trachtenberg as Paige that would be great!!

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