Chapter 10

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Paige’s Pov

Jane and I finally got Reilly and Ethan to stop bickering and her and George left for Hogesmeade followed by everyone else but I was waiting for Fred. I took out my journal and began to write down some lyrics for a song.

“What are you doing?” Fred asked holding my waist from behind and putting his head on my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

“Writing a song. Are you ready to go?” I asked pulling away and smiling at him

“You bet!” He smiled and grabbed my hand the walk to Hogesmeade is long and we missed the carriage’s so we are walking. Half way there I started to get tired so Fred bent down and told me to jump on his back and he carried me all the way to Hogesmeade. Went we got there I jumped off his back and went to kiss his cheek but stopped because I saw something I had been praying for since first year.

“JANE ELSA ANDREWS GET IT!!” I yelled smiling at Jane who was in a full snog with George she pulled away and blushed

“Oh shut it Amaryllis Paige Lillian Potter!” She yelled back and she began to walk over with George. I glared at Jane and my hair went blood red

“DON’T CALL ME AMARYLLIS!” I yelled and everyone laughed my parents couldn’t decide whose mum they wanted to name me after so I became Amaryllis –my mum’s mothers name- Paige – My dad’s mothers name and also my mum’s middle name- Lillian – my mum’s name. But my parents always called me Paige, they likes Harry and Paige better than Harry and Amy. Fred rubbed my back and kissed my cheek.

“It’s okay love.” Fred coed my hair went normal and I leaned into his side. Soon Ethan came over laughing his head off with a glaring Reilly yelling after him.

“ETHAN PHILLIP SHER YOU WILL PAY FOR THAT!” Reilly yelled and Ethan laughed

“WHATEVER ORIELLE LAINE SHER!” Ethan yelled back to his younger sister and she walked over.

“What happened Orielle?” I asked my best friend and she glared at me

“First don’t call me Orielle! And second Ethan is a dumb Git who hit my boyfriend and then pushed me into a puddle.” She yelled but I just stood there wide eyed

“Reilly you have a boyfriend?” Jane, Ginny and I yelled at the same time and she smirked

“Apples…” She smiled and I let go of Fred grabbed the smiling Jane and Ginny and pulled them into a random store

“You are dating Draco!” I smiled and hugged her so did Jane and Ginny. Reilly had been crushing on him for years and even though I hate his older sister he never gave me trouble I always knew that they would get together it just worked.

“Yes! He asked me last night in the common room!” She smiled soon Ethan, Fred and George walked in Reilly and Jane left with Ethan to go get candy (Can’t wait for that sugar to kick in), George took Jane somewhere probably to go snog and Fred just stood there smiling at me.

“Fred what are we?” I asked as I grabbed his hand and we slowly walked to Zonko’s

“Um… Friends?” He asked

“Can we ch…” I didn’t get to finish because Jane was pulling me to the fountain where I just noticed there was a stage.

“Oh no no no!” I said and Jane pouted

“Come on Ginny, Reilly and I will back up but Paige this is your moment do it!” She smiled and then whispered in my ear notice me.

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