Chapter 8

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Fred’s Pov

“If you were a true friend you wouldn’t date Viper Malfoy and then not tell me!” Paige yelled at me her hair blood red and then she ran out of the room Ginny and Jane glared at me and ran after her.

“You are going with Viper Malfoy?” Lee and George asked at the same time

“George I told you this morning wait! Shit Shit Shit! Paige is a metamorphgus she must have made herself to look like you as a joke!!” I yelled kicking all the furniture the one girl I have ever loved thinks I like Viper! I hate Viper but I need a distraction from Paige because I love her and I know she doesn’t feel the same way.

“Mate, calm down.” George said

“yeah mate your face is as red as your hair!” Lee commented and I glared at him

“Sorry I was just trying to help.” He said and I nodded

“I need some air.” I ran out of the dorm and to a place I knew I would get some peace and quiet, the black lake.

Paige’s Pov

I heard Ginny and Jane running up the stairs but I didn’t want them to see me this way so I hid until they walked into the room then I carefully slipped out and ran to my favorite spot, the black lake. When I arrived I sat on my log and closed my eyes. I imagined being here with Fred and being happy until I realized it wasn’t me it was Viper. I opened my eyes and felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. I began to shiver because it was just a little cold and I was just in my skirt and shirt no robe. I felt someone put a jacket on my shoulders and then sit next to me.

“Paige…” He couldn’t finish because I shushed him and pulled the jacket closer to me.

“Don’t talk Fred just listen.” I said slightly turning toward him

“I know you now know that it was me this morning and not George but why wouldn’t you tell me yourself.” I asked quietly and he sighed

“I didn’t want to tell you because I know you hate her.” He said also facing me

“Why are you even dating her?” I asked feeling the tears in my eyes

“To keep myself distracted from you…” He said quietly and I looked at him with wide eyes

“why would you need to keep yourself distracted from me am I some nuisance to have around?!” I said slightly getting mad

“What no! I need to be distracted because I love you and I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you and I want to be your boyfriend more than anything, but you don’t feel the same way! I never knew I could feel like this I thought that I would be forever alone but when I met you it just went down the drain and the worst part is that I know I will never be happy if I’m not with you!” He vented he finally met his eyes with mine I grabbed his face pulling his lips onto mine they were soft yet rough and I wanted more and more but I pulled away and ran back to the castle.

Fred’s Pov

I watched as Paige just ran back to the castle after kissing me like that. I frowned and walked back to the castle. As I was walking back to the Gryffindor Common Room I was pulled into a broom closet.

“Bloody Hell!”

“Shh! Fred it’s me!” Viper said in a seductive way that made me want to throw up she smiled at me and brought her lips to mine. Her kisses where nothing compared to Paige’s. Paige was soft and warm they made me feel the love but Viper’s where cold and made me feel dirty. She slowly began to lift my shirt and I just couldn’t control myself.

After you know

Viper smiled at me and kissed me before leaving the closet. I pulled on my clothes and walked to the common room the whole time I felt dirty and like I am betraying Paige. As I entered I saw Paige goofing of with Ginny, Jane, Lee, George and her friend Ethan who is in his 6th year. I watched as she changed her appearances and how the light hit her so beautifully. She is so perfect but instead of me running after her I went and shagged Viper. Harry came down and kissed his sisters cheek and sat down with Ron and Hermione. Ron turned to me and smirked.

“Bloody hell Fred it looks as if you just got shagged!” Ron yelled and everyone turned to me but I didn’t care I looked in Paige’s eyes she looked in mine a frown forming on her face. She slowly walked up to me and slapped me right across the face. Harry immediately grabbed his sister and started to pull her upstairs by throwing her over his shoulder.

“HARRY PUT ME DOWN!” She yelled and I started to cry to looked me one last time in the eyes

“FRED WEASLEY I HATE YOU! DON’T EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN EVER!” She yelled before entering Harry and Ron’s dorm. I fell onto the couch and put my head in my hands. I really messed.


The picture on the side is Viper and also the song is just sorta how I think Paige feels I mean she can't really tell Fred how she feels cause he is with Viper so yeah!

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