Chapter 9

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Paige’s Pov

“FRED WEASLEY I HATE YOU! DON’T EVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN EVER!” I yelled as Harry carried me out of the common room on his shoulder I had tears streaming down my face and my hair was blood red. Harry pulled me into what I am guessing was him, Ron and Neville’s dorm. He set me on his bed and I exploded in to a thunder storms of tears. Harry sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“Paige what happened?” Harry asked as he rubbed my back.

“I… Love… Fred…!” I stuttered/cried

“Okay then why did you tell him to never speak to you again?” Harry asked confused

“I found out he was going with Viper and he didn’t want me to know then he told me how he loved me so I kissed him but ran away because I got scared and then he walked in her after he SHAGED VIPER!” I yelled the last part but then burst into tears again. Harry stood up and threw me one of his shirts and sweats and told me that I would be sleeping in here tonight. I laid down next to my brother and he kissed my cheek.

“Goodnight Paige.”

“Goodnight Harry.”

A few hours later

I was wide-awake. All I could think about was Fred. I slowly walked out of Harry’s room and into the common room where the was Fred sitting on the couch looking into the fire he looked as if he had been crying for hours I slowly sat next to him but he didn’t look up.

“If you are George, Ginny or Jane here to yell at me again I know I am a git so just save it!” He said still not looking up

“I know you are a git but I am to tired to yell.” I said quietly he looked up at me and my eyes hit his. His usual beautiful brown eyes were red and Puffy but I don’t think my blue/green eyes are much better.

“Paige please I don’t know why I did it.” Fred cried

“I do… it is because even if you do love me you know that I could never give you what she does and no matter what you will choose her.” I said and he looked at me with wide eyes

“Never…” He grabbed my hands “Paige you are perfect you are all I ever need but when you ran off after our kiss I thought that you didn’t feel the same way.” He said the whole time looking in my eyes

“Fred no I just got scared that was sort of my first kiss…” I said slightly embarrassed but Fred just smiled at me.

“Do you forgive me?” Fred asked giving me a puppy dogface, which I couldn’t resist.

“Yes but you are on probation.” I said sternly but couldn’t help but smile at him. Fred pulled me up and sat me on his lap and snuggled his head in the crook of my neck with his hands around my waist he kissed my shoulder lightly.

“Paige Lillian Potter would you like to join me on the hogesmead trip.” Fred asked me his lips still on my shoulder

“I would love too.” I smiled and turned my head so that his eyes met mine I leaned my head forward and so did he I lightly kissed him and then leaned my forehead on his and smiled.

“Please don’t go.”


Morning of Hogesmeade trip

“Aw they are so cute…” I heard someone say

“I don’t know I just don’t trust him.” I heard another person say I am guessing that is Harry. I slowly opened my eyes and I realized I was still in the common room on Fred’s lap who was dead asleep. I slowly crawled out of Fred’s lap and glared at my friends who were taking pictures of us even my friend Reilly who is in slyhterin was here. I walked up to my dorm and got a shower and put on shorts and a short-sleeved shirt since it is early September it is not too cold. I did my hair and make up then walked back down into the common room and sat down next to the bickering siblings Reilly and Ethan Sheer. Ethan is in Gryffindor and is 16 he is a ball of sunshine and very hyper he is one of the nicest people ever unless you are mean to him then he will kill you. Reilly is in Slytherin and is 15 she is kind of moody but is a great friend. I met know them because our mum’s where friends before my mum died. Ethan has brown eyes and dark hair while Reilly has red hair and green eyes.

“ETHAN YOU ARE BEING STUPID!” Reilly yelled at Ethan they love each other but it is very common that they fight

“NO YOU ARE STUPID!” Ethan yelled back

“Guys stop fighting!” Jane who is also friends with Ethan and Reilly yelled

“STAY OUT OF THIS JANE!!” Ethan and Reilly yelled at the same time

“REILLY WHY DON”T YOU CRAWL BACK INTO YOUR SLYHTERIN HOLE!” Ethan yelled Reilly raised her hand like she was about to slap Ethan but I jumped in the way and she hit me instead. I grabbed my cheek and looked at her

“Paige I am so sorry!” She said looking as if she was going to cry and I just laughed at her

“Why are you laughing?!” Reilly asked confused

“Reilly you are strong!” I laughed see Reilly is all skin and bones she is very easy to pick up so who knew she was strong. Reilly gave us a small smile and we all laughed. I love my Friends.


Hey guys I got wifi!! Also the picture on the side is Reilly I have no idea what i want ethan to look like so comment ideas! Thanks for reading!


Emma Glenn

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