Chapter 19

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Paige’s Pov it skipped so it is Valentine’s Day

Ugh! Every person in the school is snogging and hanging with their boyfriend or girlfriend except Me, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Hermione. You see Fred is sick and can’t leave his bed I wanted to stay with him but he said he didn’t want to get me sick.

“I am so bored!” I yelled right now Ginny, Harry and I were sprawled out on the couch while Hermione helps Ron with homework.

“We can go on an adventure?” Ginny said and I shot up accidently smacking Harry on the way.

“Sorry Harry… BUT YES LET’S GO ON AN ADVENTURE!” I yelled Harry went to his room to get the marauder's map and his invisibility cloak, Ginny went to put on actual clothing since she was still in her pajamas, Hermione and Ron decided not to go and I went upstairs to check on Fred.

“Hey baby how you feeling?” I asked sitting on the foot of Fred’s bed he groaned and turned so he was looking at me.

“Like death! Paige I swear death is right outside that door!” He pouted and I kissed his cheek.

“I am going on an adventure with Ginny and Harry I will be back later. Okay?” I asked and he nodded I pushed his hair out of his face and kissed his forehead before going downstairs and meeting Ginny and Harry.

Outside by the black lake

We walked towards the black lake just goofing off. Harry was carrying Ginny and I was basically skipping down the hill until I feel and stumbled down eventually running into a boulder.

“Where did that come from?” I asked myself I moved my hand to my head were blood was coming out.

“Paige!” Ginny and Harry yelled running down the hill. Ginny healed my cut for me and Harry yelled at the boulder.

“Harry stop you are hurting his feelings!” I began to stroke the boulder and Harry looked at me as if I was insane.

“BACK TO THE ADVENTURE!” I yelled and ran into the woods Harry and Ginny right behind me. I linked arms with them and skipped.

“Were off to see the wizard the wonderful wizard of Harry’s bum!” I sang. Each time I got to the part about Harry’s bum I would throw something at him.

“Oh hey Luna!” I smiled as we approached her petting some weird naked horse thing

“What is that?” I asked

“Thestrals… you can only see them if you have seen death.” Harry said and I looked at him confused

“Luna told me earlier in the year.” He said all of the sudden I saw Fred’s patronus walking through the woods.

“Fred?” I said quietly before running after it Harry and Ginny didn’t even realized I left. I chased after the Coyote until it lead me to the room of requirement. I walked in to a room decorated in lights and a table with food and music playing softly in the back.

“Surprise!” Fred smiled at me.

“I thought you were sick?” He shook his head

“Nope! Harry and Ginny helped to distract you so I could set this up so that my amazing, beautiful, smart girlfriend and me could have an amazing Valentines Day.” He smiled and kissed my cheek. That night we danced, ate food and laughed this was probably the best night of my life… If only it could last.

The next day Dumbledore’s army meeting

We were practicing spells when we decided to duel.

“Fred want to duel me?” I asked Fred he nodded his head

“I will go easy on you okay?”

“Thanks Fredrick!” I smiled before getting in position

“Expel…” Fred yelled but I cut him off

“Stupfey!” I yelled Fred went flying back and I ran over to him.

“Are you okay?” I asked him as he slightly sat up.

“Never better.” He smiled before getting up and glaring at George who was laughing. I began to walk over but tripped on Jane and we both went tumbling to the ground.

“Ow Jane see this is why you can’t be a cat when ever you want.”

“Sorry but it has always been my dream to be a cat!” I rolled my eyes and hit her playfully.


Hey guys sorry for all the skipping but after this it skips to April and then that is it for all the big skips! Okay? alright love you guys!! Oh and on the side is Jane


Emma Glenn!

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