Chapter 21

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Paige’s Pov

Umbridge and her team of losers, which included Viper Malfoy, dragged us (Fred, George, Ginny, Paige, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Reilly, Jane and Ethan) Into Umbridge’s office. Snape walked in and looked at me and frowned before talking to Umbridge.

“I need more truth serum!” She demanded

“I am sorry but you used the last of it on Miss. Chang!” Snape said and marched out of the room.

“Fine I have my other ways…” She pointed at me “Paige you will tell me right? Oh wait that’s not your name what is it? Oh I know Amaryllis Paige Lillian Potter BLACK!” She yelled and I glared at her.

“Yes that is my name!” I yelled back and she glared at me

“You will end up just like your mother… a slut!” She yelled

“Don’t talk about my mother you ugly toad!” I yelled she walked over to me and slapped me hard against the cheek. I couldn’t watch the rest my head was spinning all I saw was Harry, Ron, Hermione and Umbridge leaving.

On the walk back

“You know I always thought we would do better outside of school.” George said

“I couldn’t agree with you more.” Fred agreed

“Paige!” Jane yelled waving a hand in my face

“Huh oh what?” I asked

“You okay?” She asked

“Yeah” I lied I know exactly what Fred is talking about he is going to leave with George and open their shop. I want to be happy for them but for some reason I feel like this is the end.

“Don’t worry love it’s not the end.” Fred whispered in my ear and then kissing my cheek. I swear that boy reads my mind. Once we got to the Gryffindor common room Fred and I went up to his room. He closed the door and I wrapped my arms around him and he wrapped his arms around me. I was standing on my very tippy toes and he was bending over, curse the fact that I am 5’0 and he is 6’4.

“Here I think I can make this more comfortable.” Fred murmured in to my hair. He lifted me off the ground and I wrapped my legs around his waist and softly cried.

“Shh Paige” Fred coed but it didn’t help. I jumped down and grabbed his hand pulling him to the bed.

“Fred is this it?” I asked him I laid down and he laid next to me.

“Us never!” I turned so I was looking at him and I pecked his lips. Maybe Fred is right we will be fine.

Jane’s Pov

I was quietly sitting on the couch reading when George came and sat next to me.

“Jane I hate your cat.” George said I put my book down and gave him my full attention

“Why?” I asked and he sighed

“When I want to be with you the cat comes along and gets all your attention!” George fumed I smiled at him and pulled down his face so he was looking at me.

“George he is a cat! You are my handsome boyfriend who I have been dying to be with since I was 11 so when it comes down to it I will always choose you.” I pulled his face towards mine. When his lips met mine is was heaven it was like I was the only girl in the world.


Hey sorry it is short but I think it is worth the wait so! Enjoy!



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