Chapter 4

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Paige’s Pov the next day

“Harry have you seen my jumper?” I yelled down the stairs to my older brother(By 5 minutes)

“It is my room you accidentally put it in my trunk!” He called back I walked across the hall into Harry and Ron’s room I walked to his side of the room aka the cleaner side I also knew it was his because he had a picture of our mum and dad and then a picture of me and him and finally a picture of the golden trio. I walked to his dresser and started going through the drawers until I came across my white jumper. I walked back into my room before doing my hair and make up. I was wearing black shorts and a flowy shirt I just had my jumper incase I got cold. I walked down stairs to greet everyone.

“Hello All.” I smiled at everyone kissing Sirius and my brother’s cheeks before I sat down next to Ginny.

“What no kisses for us?” Fred and George pouted I smirked before standing up and giving them each a kiss on the cheek kissing Fred a little longer but pulling away and blushing. What are these feelings?!?! I slowly walked back to my seat I sat down and Fred sent me a wink from across the table I blushed and looked down at my food that was recently given to me from Mrs. Weasley.

After Breakfast

I was up sitting in my room just listening to music when my door opened. I turned my head and was greeted by a blur of Blonde.

“Jane!” I jumped off my bed and hugged my best friend(Other then Ginny and the twins)

“Hey Paige!” She said with her slightly British slightly American accent she lives in America with her dad in the summer but the rest of the year she lives in England with her mum Angela who used to be close with my mum before my mum died.

“So Jane are you and I roommates?” I asked Jane as she unpacked her trunk

“Yep! Here and at Hogwarts I got us a dorm together this year!!” She smiled at me sitting on her bed and I smiled back.

“Good because even though I love Hermione and she is a good friend she likes to read at all hours and I like to party so I think I fit better with you!” I laughed threw a pillow at her she was about to throw one back until we heard a crack and then there was Fred and George. Fred came and sat next to me while George sat next to Jane I could tell she was nervous because she has had a crush on George since our first year at Hogwarts she will be so excited when I tell her I like Fred. There I said it I like Fred but he doesn’t like me he is 17 he wants nothing to do with a stupid 15 year old.

“Hello? Paige are you okay?” Fred asked snapping me back to reality

“Oh um yeah.” I stuttered before leaving the room.

Fred’s Pov

“Oh um yeah.” Paige stuttered before leaving the room with Jane running after her.

“Is she okay?” George asked me and I frowned

“I don’t know.” I am worried Paige never stutters I have known her since third year well she was a first year. She was so cute she had these piercing blue eyes that would stare into your soul and she was shy very shy but after George and I took her under our wing she came out of her bubble. After that she was a prankster that was the year I fell in love with her. I have loved Paige since the way beginning but I don’t think she sees me that way.

“Well I hope she is okay.” George said before apparating out of the room.

Paige’s Pov

“Paige what is wrong?” Jane asked as I ran out of the room I ran into Ginny’s room with Jane and locked the door thank god only Ginny was in there. Jane went and sat next to Ginny and I sat on Hermione’s bed.

“I like Fred.” I said Jane and Ginny looked at each other before looking at me

“Yay! You can marry him and we can be sisters and then Jane you can marry George…” Ginny went on and on before I shut her up

“Guys! This isn’t good!!’ I yelled

“Why?” They asked in unison

“Because he won’t like me back and it hurts here.” I pointed to my heart and Ginny and Jane’s smiles grew

“That my dear friend is love.” Jane stated still smiling I frowned and threw a pillow at them.

Am I really in love?


Hey guys!! So the photo on the side is Jane and that is about it so bye!!



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