Chapter 14

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  • Dedicated to Kassandra Nelson

Paige’s Pov Christmas Break

“Harry! Give it back!” I yelled running after my brother who stole my diary.

“Never!” He yelled he threw it to Ron who held it out of my reach

“Let the bough break, let it come down crashing Let the sun fade out to a dark sky I can't say I'd even notice it was absent 'Cause I could live by the light in your eyes I'll unfold before you Would have strung together The very first words of a lifelong love letter Tell the world that we finally got it all right I choose you I will become yours and you will become mine I choose you I choose
You, yeah…” Ron read from my diary

“What does that mean?” Harry asked

“It’s a song you idiot!” I grabbed the book from Ron’s hand and smacked Harry in the head with it. I walked up to the room I share with Ginny and Jane but Jane is visiting her mum, Jade and won’t be back until Christmas.

“Hey Ginny!” I smiled at her. If you have been wondering why I am feeling so happy well when we went to see Mr. Weasley at the hospital he said he heard what I tried to do and he was disappointed he said I was like his daughter and it would break his heart to lose me and that just cheered me up.

“Hey Paige, What are you doing?” Ginny asked looking over my shoulder

“Scrapbooking!” I said with a huge smile on my face Ginny grabbed my camera that was on my night stand and had it facing us we made silly poses and took at least 10 pictures all moving. I slowly began to look through my photos. My mum, my dad, me, Harry and Emma, me and Harry, millions of photos with Jane, Ginny, Reilly and Ethan, even some pictures with Draco and Blaise but my favorites were the ones with my two favorite people Fred and George!

“Ginny I will be back!” I said before running out of the room. I ran straight down the hall into Fred and George’s room.

“HELLO I HAVE ARRIVED!” I yelled with a giant smile on my face the boys looked at me and laughed, my hair was pink with blue streaks and I had pig ears. I changed my appearance before sitting down on the bed next to Fred.

“What are you two up to?” I asked raising one eyebrow

“Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes” they said at the same time and I smiled and began to help.

A few hours later

“Paige there is an owl for you!” Mrs. Weasley called from downstairs. I quickly ran down stairs and grabbed the package from the owl and then giving it a treat before it flew away.

“It’s from Jane…” I opened the package

“NO BLOODY WAY!!!!!” I screamed I pulled out three R5 tickets from the box with a note saying that Reilly and George were going as well as herself and that the other two tickets were for Fred and Ginny

“GINNY COME HERE!!!” I yelled and she ran down she saw the tickets and started screaming with me

“What is with all the noise?” Fred asked as he came downstairs

“R5! I got R5 tickets for me, you and Ginny.” I said Fred looked at me and smiled he doesn’t like R5 neither does George but they love us so they will go.


The picture is Ginny and Paige! Which is based of me and my cousin! 


Emma glenn

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