Chapter 5

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Paige Pov

I walked along side of Jane and Ginny in King’s Cross Station when a shaggy black dog walked by I looked over at my brother and smiled.

“Padfoot! Are you barking mad? You will blow our cover!” Mad-eye yelled at Sirius. Sirius ran into a waiting area Harry and I following.

“Sirius!” Harry and I yelled at the same time running into his arms. Harry let go and then I did we all sat in the chairs with Sirius in the middle.

“I have this for you.” He held out a picture and began to describe what it was but I couldn’t pay attention because my eyes went straight to my mum it was like looking into a mirror except for the slight differences like hair my mum’s was red and mine is auburn. Sirius turned to me and smiled.

“This is for you.” He held out a small box. I slowly opened the box and was greeted by a beautiful locket.

“It was your mother’s.” He smiled at me. I opened the locket on one side was a picture of my mum and dad, and on the other was a picture of Harry and I laughing as babies. I felt tears in my eyes and I wrapped my arms around my godfather.

“Thank you Sirius.”

“Your welcome Evans.” He smiled at me but I gave him a confused look.

“That was your mum’s maiden name you just look so much like her it brings me back.” He smiled at me but then ushered us to grab the train as Harry and I loaded our stuff on to the train Harry stopped and looked into space but then snapped out of it and smiled at me.

On the train

I was in a compartment with Jane and Ginny just laughing and having a ball until Lee Jordan came and told me Fred and George needed me. I walked in to the compartment and smiled at my favorite set of twins.

“Hello boys!” I smiled at them sitting on the bench across from them

“Hey Paige!” They smiled at me and Fred sent me a wink causing me to blush.

“So why did you need me?” I asked

“Oh love we will always need you.” Fred smiled at me causing me to blush yet again. You will be the death of me Fredrick Gideon Weasley.

“But we want to prank the first years and we need your big brains.” George smiled at me. Of course they wanted me brains. I am second in my year right behind Hermione although I am first in Potions and Transfiguration which makes Hermione very mad.

“Okay what do you need?” I asked and instantly we began to work.

At Hogwarts in Gryffindor Common Room

I was peacefully sitting by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, when Harry walked in. Everyone started to look at Harry before Seamus began to pick a fight making Harry mad. There were names called and yelling until Ron pulled Harry upstairs.

“Can you believe him?” Seamus asked everyone and they all stayed silent.

“Oh shut up Seamus.” I said standing up and facing him

“What is that Potter? Do you actually believe your brother? Wow I thought you were the sane one out of the Chosen Twins?” Seamus laughed and I got furious

“Shut up! How dare you call my brother crazy.” I started to get really mad. Everyone looked at me weird until Fred and George followed by Jane and Ginny pulled me into Fred and George’s dorm.

“UGH!!!!!” I screamed but Jane, Ginny, Fred and George just looked at me.

“What!?” I yelled

“Your hair…” George breathed I ran to the mirror and looked at my hair it was a blood red and I screamed.

Why is it always me?


Hey guys!!! So on the side is Paige's hair so enjoy!



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