Chapter 13

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Quick note

I skipped a few months so this is a meeting of Dumbledore’s army!

Paige’s Pov

“Good Paige!” Harry yelled as I practiced my patronus a wolf.

“Harry I learned this when I was 13!” I laughed

“Well it’s the thought that counts!” He smiled

“Can you help me?” Fred asked and I smiled at him

“Of course love!” I began to help him and he was definitely picking up fast. All of the sudden a blue light appeared out of his wand and changed its form into a coyote. I quickly brought out my wand and changed my light into my wolf. My wolf ran over to Fred’s coyote and they began to play together.

“You know it is very rare but sometimes Wolves and Coyotes mate and when a wolf mates it mates for life!” Reilly teased

“Shut up Orielle you and your stupid animal facts!” I yelled

My wolf slowly stopped running after Fred’s Coyote, the coyote walked over to her and licked her cheek. I turned and faced Fred making my wolf go away and Fred looked at me making his coyote go away and slowly we both leaned in for a beautiful kiss. My hands went to his hair and his wrapped around my waist. We slowly separated after a click to see Reilly standing there with my camera. She handed me a picture of Fred and I kissing.

“This is going in the box!” I yelled a little to loud and everyone looked at us

“Well I think that is enough for today good class everyone now sadly we won’t be meeting again until after break so keep practicing!” Harry said and he began to walk over to Cho Chang just another person I hate. Fred and George started to walk over to Harry but he just pushed them away. I saw Ginny smiling at the door waiting for Harry but when she saw Harry and Cho talking she frowned. Fred walked up to me with George next to him and I grabbed Ginny.

“You’re still coming to the you-know-where with us right?” Ginny asked as we walked into the common room

“Yeah wouldn’t miss it! But right now I am tired so g’night” I smiled at everyone and kissed Fred softly on the lips and crawled in to bed.


I was walking down a dark hallway instead of being at my house with my mum, dad and Emma who I have grown very close with I walked into a room and I was attacking Mr. Weasley…(More stuff happens people but I am bad at explaining)

Dream Over

Mcgonagall and the Weasley’s were taking Harry (who had the same dream) and I to Dumbledore’s. Dumbledore was giving orders but ignoring Harry and I.

“LOOK AT US!” Harry yelled

“Dumbledore what is happening ever since I was tortured…” I finished realizing what I let slip I didn’t tell anyone except Reilly. Everyone looked at me shocked.

“Paige what has been happening?” Dumbledore asked

“When I sleep I go to this place where my mum, dad and sister Emma are and sometimes during the day I hear them…” I spoke softly feeling as if I was going to cry.

“Paige you are going to go home with the Weasley’s Harry come with me.” Dumbledore said

On the train

I was sitting by myself in a compartment; it is my fault I told myself. I was tortured for being a smart ass, my parents and sister are dead because of Harry and I and now I am the reason Mr. Weasley almost died. I felt the hot tears falling down my face. I slowly opened the window, planning to jump. I moved to the window and felt the cold air on my face I began to put one leg out until two strong arms pulled me back.

“Stop Fred! Let me go!” I cried I heard footsteps and soon the rest of the Weasley’s and Jane and Hermione were all in the compartment where I was sitting on the ground in Fred’s arms crying and screaming.

“It’s my fault! It’s my fault! Let me go! I need to die! I need to be with them!” I screamed Ginny came to the ground and hugged me

“Shh Paige, it’s okay, it’s not your fault.” Ginny was also crying I looked around everyone was Fred was sitting down crying, Jane was crying in to George’s arms, Hermione stood there with her hand over her mouth and Ron cried silently. Fred picked me up and he carried me to their compartment and he sat me on his lap. I curled into a little ball and slowly drifted to sleep.


“Paige why would you try and kill yourself!” Emma yelled running into my arms

“Does mum and dad know?” I asked and she nodded she grabbed my hand and took me into the kitchen where mum was crying and my dad was pacing.

“Paige!” My mum yelled running into my arms

“Amaryllis Paige Lillian Potter what were you thinking!?” My dad yelled and again the tears fell from my eyes

“I am sorry daddy.” I whispered

“It’s okay.” He kissed my forehead. We spent what felt like hours talking and I honestly felt better. Eventually Fred brought me back and said he sent an owl to Sirius and Remus.

grimmauld place

“Paige!” My godfather yelled pulling me into his arms

“Hi Sirius…” I smiled

“Don’t hey Sirius me. What were you thinking?” He asked

“I wasn’t…I talked to my dad and he calmed me down.” Sirius shuddered when I mentioned my dad but then smiled

“That’s right Fred told me you can see them.” I nodded

“If only…” He whispered


Hey guys the song on the side is a song that i was listening to when writing this chapter so check that out and the picture on the side is Paige! Please vote and comment!


Emma Glenn

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