Chapter 17

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Paige’s Pov

“MERRY CHRISTMAS!!” I yelled into Fred’s ear after barging into their room he jumped up and so did George who was asleep in the bed across the hall.

“Bloody Hell Paige!” They said in unison I smiled at them before giving each a kiss on the cheek.

“Okay up! Up! Breakfast time!” I yelled skipping out of the room, yes skipping. Christmas is my favorite holiday I love Christmas shopping!

“Good Morning All!” I smiled skipping into the kitchen I gave Harry, Sirius and Remus a kiss on the cheek. Since the whole frozen in time, Sirius my dad, going to save the world drama nothing has changed, Sirius is still my godfather, my dad is still my dad and Harry is still my full brother to be honest I don’t think that would ever change. I went to go sit in my seat but very familiar black hair was in my seat.

“Professor!” I yelled at Professor Snape and gave him a hug he laughed and rolled his eyes. Yep I made Snape laugh I told you he has a soft spot for me.

“I was just here to give you this.” He handed my a nicely wrapped present and then with crack he was gone. I sat in my seat and opened the present inside there was a note and the most beautiful ring I have ever seen. It was gold with small diamonds and a ruby in the center. I slipped it on my finger and then read the note.

Dear Paige,

This was you mothers. I thought you should have it… Keep it safe it was her favorite thing her mother gave it to her.

Merry Christmas

Severus Snape

I smiled. I quickly excused myself and ran upstairs to put it in my room. When I left my room Fred pushed me against the wall in the hallway, he pressed his lips to mine and I happily kissed back I felt his tongue on my bottom lip asking for permission I happily opened and smiled into the kiss.

“Get a room!” George yelled from the end of the hallway I turned and glared at him before running down and jumping on his back.

“UGH!! Eat more vegetables!” George groaned I jumped off and smirked at him.

“Hey don’t call my girlfriend fat!” Fred said walking over and grabbed my waist

“I didn’t call her fat I just said she needs to eat more veggies.” George said with a smirk and I laughed

“I way one pound more then Jane.”

“What about me?” Jane asked walking to the hallway with a giant shirt with a cats face on it.

“Jane what is that thing?” I asked pointing at her shirt she shrugged before changing into a cat and running down the steps into the kitchen. Oh yeah Jane is an Animagus she fount out at the beginning of the break and of course she is a cat, it’s her favorite thing, it’s her patronus too.

“George I think you and Jane are doomed.” I said

“What Why?!” George asked looking scared

“Since she can change into a cat she can finally do the thing she has always wanted to do… marry mr. muffins!” I yelled (mr. muffins is her cat) before walking down into the kitchen

“You are a real arse you know that right?” George called down the stairs I went to my seat and stuffed my face with food.

A few hours later

“Okay present time!” Mrs. Weasley yelled through the house. Thank god! Sirius has been singing Christmas carols all through the house when he walked by my room he opened the door to sing so I threw a shoe at him. I grabbed everyone’s presents and ran downstairs…

Mr. & Mrs. Weasley I got a muggle cookbook and a new rubber duck but this one had hat on. For Sirius I got a chew toy. Remus I got him a huge thing of chocolate. Harry and Ron I got them candy. I got Hermione a muggle book called Twilight. Jane and Ginny I got make up. George I got zonko’s stuff and for Fred I got a sweatshirt that said Weasley’s wizards Wheezes.

I got a sweater with a P on it from Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. From Sirius I got more scrapbooking stuff. From Remus I got a giant box of every flavored beans. Harry got me footie pajamas with dogs on them. Ron got me a Piano that shrinks so I can take it anywhere. Hermione got me journal stuff. Jane and Ginny got me comfort food, muggle chick-flicks and blankets saying we will have a movie night. George got me a giant teddy bear and Fred got me a huge sweatshirt that said Fred Weasley’s if found please return. I thanked everyone and we all spent the rest of the day laughing and goofing off until it was time for bed.


I was 17 and was running through a Hogwarts fighting and protecting. I ran into the Great Hall where my eyes met the dead body of Fred Weasley.

Dream Over

I jumped up. Shh Paige it was just a dream. I told myself. I crawled out of bed and walked to the twins room. I slowly opened the door and walked over to Fred’s bed trying not to wake up George.

“Fred?” I asked slightly shaking him awake

“Paige?” He asked opening his eyes and sitting up a little bit.

“Fred can I stay with you?” I asked he moved over and I snuggled into him letting he cinnamon scent come over me.

“Always.” He whispered into my ear before I fell asleep.


On the side is the ring and blah blah blah! So first i wanted to say thank you for everyone who is reading because it really means alot to me second i reccomend you read @viralwolf her Lily Evan's stories cause they are awesome and our series our connected so! Okay I love you all! 


Emma Glenn

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