Chapter - 2

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So the fun continues.....

Come on fill me in on your thoughts about this!

Andrew Davila (@andrewdavila_)
Riley Elizabeth Danes (Riley_Danes). [Fictional]

Riley's PoV:

Wow. Allie you are a pure angel. It is happening. Andrew even followed me back. What a day!

Instagram DM:

Andrew Davila: Well Red, A brave girl like you wouldn't do stuff like this. Be a good girl and study in UCLA.

My jaw hit the ground


Andrew Davila: what?!! What happened?


Andrew: umm. You already established that. 😒

Me: you are really Andrew? Is this one of the fan accounts messing with me? You are real?

Andrew: Lmao. Yes, indeed i am real. I am not a fan account. It is Andrew Davila.

Me: Prove it.

Andrew Davila: what?

Me: yes you read it. Send me a picture

Andrew Davila: what?! No. This will be considered as sexual harassment.

Me: What the?? Oh no no hello no. ! Picture of your face. You are ugh!

Andrew Davila: hahha chill. I was joking. Photo you asked here you go.

*Sends a photo*

Me: omg! Wow. You are really Andrew. And why are you Dm'ing me. Not that I am complaining but why, hmm?

Andrew: Well,.lemma see. you threatened to kidnap my dog. So I decided to take matters into my own hands.

Me: lol. First of all,I won't do that. Second
of all I have my own dog. And third of all if you are up for giving your dog for adoption, I would totally take her.

Andrew Davila: my poor ears needn't hear that. You hurt me.

Me: Drama queen.hahha

Andrew: You are funny.

Me: why gee thanks?

Andrew: lmao. Study well RED! I would catch with you later. got to shoot youtube video.

Me: catch me later? I am not a fly Drew.

Andrew Davila: Haha very funny. Please spare me.

Me: not sure of this. Is it too late to tell I am your huge fan?

Andrew: well you kinda made a very good first impression of that. Lmao

Me: 😒😒😒😒😒

Andrew: Oh sorry where are my manners. Thank you ♥️ always great hearing from the fans.

Me: yeah ok.

Andrew Davila: want to know a secret?

Me: is landrew a thing???

Andrew: no comments. And that is not the secret.

Me: spill some tea.

Andrew Davila: Tsk tsk not happening.

Me: *rolling eyes* whatever

Andrew Davila: Well you are the first fan I have DM'd to. You should consider yourself lucky.

Me: more like you slid into my DMs. Hahaha. And cocky much?

Andrew Davila: sarcasm is duly noted.

Me: Chill Thanks. I am honoured 🤣

Andrew: Much better. Oh got to go. Work is calling. See ya later Riley😉

Me: see ya!

Omg!! I just had a decent conversation with Andrew Davila.

I called Allie immediately. She picked up on the second ring.

"Allie, you won't believe what happened.!" I spoke excitedly through the phone.

"Hello to you too, Ms impatient." She replied sarcastically.

"Well, cut to the chase. Andrew Davila DM'd me and I had a decent civil conversation". I replied her

The line went silent.

"Allie, you there?" I asked

"Oh My God! You are a lucky girl." she replied sounding happy.

"I know right. You are such an angel."
I replied her

"Well, when am I not." she spoke. I can imagine flipping her hair

"Oh! Marco is calling. I'll talk to you later" She sounded apologetic and ended the call.

End of chapter 2.

I had fun writing this. Drop in your thoughts!

Word Count: 607.

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***Thank you***

Andrew Davila DM'd MeWhere stories live. Discover now