Chapter - 6

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Photo Credit : pinterest/ ig - @andrewdavila_

Well. I am back. 😁😁😁
New chapter in Andrew's  PoV. 

Almost 100 reads for this! Thank you so much!

Caleb is Caleb Burton

Andrew's PoV:

I don't know why I DM'd her in the first place. There were so much comments but why did I DM'd her? I can't seem to find the answer to this. But boy, Riley is a different kind of girl. I had no idea she would pull a prank like that. It was hilarious to be honest. I couldn't stop laughing thinking about her prank. She and her friend Allie emits positive vibes. I would really love to know more about her

"Dude!" I heard Caleb call me

"What?" I asked

"I have been calling you for like five times" Caleb said looking at me.

"Did you?" I asked calmly.

"Dude, yeah right. You were thinking about Riley, right?" He asked me looking at my eyes

Well, I can't deny it when my eyes gave it all.

"Oh, Andrew Davila is taken. Wonder what your fans have to say about this. I mean your loyal fan base would die" Caleb said jokingly.

"Shut up,Man. We are just friends. You know, when you meet a new person , you want know more about them, right?" I told him.

"Sure sure.  And I was telling the exact same thing seven months ago about Avery and now I am in a happy relationship." Caleb teased

I just rolled my eyes at me.

"Come on then. Let's shoot some tik toks" I told Caleb.

"Maybe you should do tik toks with 'your girl'" Caleb said.

"Riley is not interested to do tik toks and stuffs. She is more into coding and stuff which I normally don't get it" I replied smiling.

"I never said Riley is your girl." Caleb replied giving me a loopsided smile

Oops! I am caught red handed. I have no words.

"Andrew,my man. You are fucking WHIPPED and you know it" Caleb said laughing.

"Shut up and let's do this tik tok" I said avoiding his statement.

For next hour or so Caleb and I shot so many tik toks. I always love my fans. I couldn't thank them enough which reminds I should do a Q&A with them.

"Dude. I gotta go. Need to meet my girl.  I need to meet your Riley. Adios!" Caleb said giving a two finger salute.

After Caleb left, I was just passing my time on my phone look through the fan edits. All my fans are really talented. I am really glad that fans are showering so much love and I am grateful for eternity.  Then I decided to text her.

Riley😇: RED!

I hit sent and waited for her reply. I didn't get a reply so I decided to think about new idea for YouTube video.

Riley's PoV:

I filled in with the details of Andrew and I's day out.

"So you guys didn't kiss?" Allie asked.

"Allie for the last time we are FRIENDS!" I replied rolling my eyes

I was in Allie's room helping her in getting ready for a "surprise date" that Marco has planned for her but I already know the surprise.

Andrew Davila DM'd MeWhere stories live. Discover now