Chapter - 18

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Photocredit- ig: andrewdvila

It's the weekend. Whoo-hoo. But what difference does it make since we all are in lockdown. Smh. Anyways, how are you?

Riley's PoV:




I have been shouting for the past 5 minutes this idiot is not answering me. And you know why I have been shouting? Cause it's Friday and this idiot hasn't packed it yet.

"Geez. My ear drums are pierced, Riles" Alex said yawning

"Yeah, right. Go pack your stuff. Mom's going to be mad if we are late" I said getting antsy

You don't like to meet my mom when she's mad

"Relax, God. Unlike you it doesn't take much time to pack" Alex said grinning clearly annoying me.

"Stop pulling my leg and get ready" I said folding my arms.

"Before that I need to meet Sarah" Alex said

"Sure, Lexie. Y'all my brother is whipped" I said pulling his leg.

"That's right I am. Same way Andrew is whipped for you" Alex retorted.

"We are just friends, Alex" I said for the hundredth time.

Why are you lying to yourself?

"Fine. Anyways this talk was overdue on my account. Listen, that boy likes you. I can see it in his eyes. He is just scared to make a move cause he doesn't want to lose your friendship. He seems like a good guy to me. And I know you are feeling some kind of attraction towards him as well. You just won't admit it. I can see it in all pictures how adorable you both are. Your will realise it. Now don't get riled up on me, Riles" Alex finished off .

"Hey,that rhymed!" I said

"That's all you got from that?" My brother asked shaking his head

"Maybe. Just kidding. Yes I think I got it. I don't know what I feel, Lex" I replied.

"It is okay, Riles. Take your time." Alex said patting my shoulder.

"As a brother, I thought you would be furious" I said

"Oh. I was furious when I came to know about it. When you said you are just 'friends' it subsided. But when I met him the other day, I understood his intentions and that is when I trusted him being around you" Alex said.

"Alex, you know I love you right? Thank you for always being there for me" I said hugging him.

"I know it, Riles. I will always have your back like you always do for me. I am grateful to have you as my sister. And I love you" Alex said hugging me back.

"Ok before we start an another episode of soap opera, go meet your girl" I said.

"You're right!" Alex said

"We are weird siblings" I said laughing

"Not we you are. Cause you were dropped on your head when you were a child." Alex said grinning

"I am not really in the mood for killing anyone today so that makes you lucky. Now go" I shushed him.

"Whatever" Alex said and strolled out of the house.


Me: Drewwwwwwwwww!

Drew💙: to what do I owe this pleasure?

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