Chapter - 30

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Hi! Few changes I have made in the previous chapters:

1) Andrew's ex girlfriend name changed from Madison Summers to Abigail Balasco.

2) Andrew, Riley and Alex will do the photo shoot for "Double Trouble".

Anyways moving onto the chapter.

Riley's PoV:

"I am scared. I am basically bad at photoshoot" I said getting nervous.

"Oh Riley! Andrew will help you" Alex said.

I just glared at him.

"You will great, Riles. Trust me!" Alex said.

Andrew didn't even talk to me since we got here.

Who am I kidding? I have hurt him in every possible way when he was trying to reconcile with me. I was being a bitch to him. It was truly unfair.

"First, let's have a group photoshoot" I hear Carlos 's voice breaking me from my thoughts.

"Riley you in the middle!" Carlos instructed me.

I was awkward would have an understatement.

"Let loose, Riley. Relax.!" Carlos instructed me.

"Riley, I am here. Enjoy my company" Andrew said winking at me.

And he's back


"Now that wasn't so bad, right" Carlos said clicking these beautiful moments.

The photo turned out to be so good.

"Now, it's just Andrew and Riley!" Carlos informed

Nervous. I was nervous.

"Give a piggy back ride,Andrew!" Carlos said.

"Sure thing" Andrew said and lifted me on his back as if I am light weight.

"Just perfect.!" Carlos said looking satisfied.

"Turn your back to the camera, Andrew and hold her" Carlos told Andrew.

"You okay?" Andrew asked me.

"I am fine. I am absolutely fine. Very much so" I was rambling.

"Pretend it's just you and me,'s just you and me like always!" Andrew said holding me.

He lightly kissed my shoulders.  I closed my eyes and pretended it was just him and I.

"Natural. This is going to make the fans go crazy" Carlos said.

"Single photoshoots. Hurdle!" Carlos clapped his hands.

And then we were done.

"Wow. We look so good" I said looking very much satisfied on how the photos turned out.

"Alex! You weren't there for most of the photoshoot!" I told him rather than asking.

"Cause that's the plan little Riley!" Alex said.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Riley and Andrew for double trouble!" Alex said grinning at me.

"And also as much as it pains for me to say considered I am the official girlfriend of Andrew, I miss RANDREW. Andrew has been brooding for the past week or so." Alex told me.

"Oh" that is all I had to say.

"Meanwhile, my girlfriend kept me company." Alex said with a tint of blush creeping on his cheeks.

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