Chapter - 8

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Almost nearing the weekend. How was your day?

Photo credit: ig - ampwrld

Riley's PoV:

So it is Saturday and today is the day where Allie and I will be hanging out with the entire squad. Allie and I are nervous and excited at the same time.


Drew😁: so you ready to meet the squad?

Me: uh. I don't know.

Drew😁: Riley they will love you and Allie. Come on meet me at stokes at 10 AM.

Me: okay.

"Mom, I am off to meet Brent and his gang. I will see you in the evening" I informed my mom

"Sure honey, who's dropping you?. Dad's at work. Alex is out with Sarah" My mom said.

"Mom, Marco is dropping us at the Stokes." I said and hugged her and left

"Allie, Marco. hey." I greeted her.

"I am kinda nervous, Al" I told her seriously.

"Yeah me too. But your reasons are different, Riles" She said smirking.

"And what might that be?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Ah, that you are meeting your boyfriend's friends. Big step." Marco said taking his girlfriend's side.

"God. Think whatever you want. I am tired of this" I said rolling my eyes.

"Sure. We are shipping #Randrew" They both said in unison.

That earned an another roll of my eyes. But now with a tint of happiness within me

"Got to be kidding me.!"My inner voice exclaimed at my own thoughts. What?!?

"Come on. Loosen up, will you?" Marco said starting his car.

"Yes, my friend. Scout's honor" I said with a salute.

He just laughed shaking his head at me like I was a lost cause.

10 minutes ride.

"Wow, guys. I have never felt more of 'Ms third wheel like I did right now" I said face palming.

"You don't have to be third wheel anymore. Cause you and Andrew can join us" Allie said pulling my leg

I texted Andrew we are here. And right on cue. Andrew came out with the stokes twins.

"Hey Riley, Allie. Good meet you!" The twins said at the same time.

"Ha ha, likewise" I said and hugged both Alex and Alan.

"Oh yeah. This is Marco. He is my guy" Allie said blushing and proudly as well

"Hey, what's up, guys?" Marco greeted them with a weird boy handshake.

"Ah, Andrew. Good meeting you. Take care of Riley for me, will you?" Marco said looking at Andrew

Andrew looked confused

"Bro, likewise. Yes I will take good care of her." He replied Marco with a nod.

"Ah. Randrew is sailing." Alex spoke enthusiastically.

"I know right." Allie said agreeing with him.

I am rolling my eyes today a lot.

"Come on guys let's go." Alan said getting in his car.

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