Bonus Chapter - RANDREW

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Hey all. Bonus chapter! Yay!

This happens after Riley graduates from university!

Andrew's PoV:

My girl had graduated recently. And I am really proud of her achievement. Intelligence is sexy. Maybe she has inspired me to get a degree as well. To be honest, she motivated me in a way. But anyways, this is the first time in club for Riley. She said she wanted a club experience. So here I am with her.

"Riley! Stay by my side!" I shouted to her over the music blaring.

"What?" She yelled back.

"Just stay with me!" I said

She just nodded her head. Clubs can be dangerous when it can be. I don't want any guy hitting her up.

"Come on, let's get you something to drink. You must be hydrated" I said and dragged her to the bar.

"One water and one soda, please" I said to the bartender.

"Coming right up!" The bartender said.

Riley had her water and after sometime she stood up from the stool.

"Andrew, I feel dizzzzzy! Riley said.

"What did you give her?" I asked th bartender.

"Vodka. You asked for it right?" The bartender asked me.

"One water not vodka you idiot" I scolded.

It was useless talking.

"Drew. Andrew. David! Why you have three names, ugh!" I hear Riley saying.

She was tipsy not drunk.

"Oh water!" Riley took a shot from waiters.

Now she is definitely drunk.

"Andreww, you are hot!" Riley said her words sluring.

Drunk Riley is fun.

"I lovbeeb you" Riley said.

"Get me more to drinkk' hiccup "more" hiccup" Riley said

"Riley, red you have had enough. Let's go home" I said.

"No I want to dance" I hear her say

"No, you can dance when you are sober. Come on!" I said.

"No! Dance with me!" Riley said pouting.

Well, how can I say no to that face.

We were now in the middle of the road. Dancing to the song Into you.

"I am so into you. Into you. Into you" Riley sang along to the lyrics of the song.

And now it is raining. Great.

I took a video of her dancing.

"Ah I love you like a love song baby!"

She is singing random lyrics.

"Who run the world? Who run the world? Girls!"

Damn it! She is going to get a server cold and headache tomorrow.

"Riley! Come on! That's enough!" I shouted trying to be intimidating.

"Sir! Yes sir!" Riley said and went to sit in the work.

I was laughing shaking my head.

I took her to my room, removed her shoes and gave her dry clothes to change.

"I am cute! You are cute! Everyone is cute. I love Tokyo not you!" Riley said.

"Hey that rhymed!" Riley said giggling.

She is so cute.

Then she drifted off to sleep.

Next day morning, she woke up.

"Drew, ugh! I have a severe headache! Damn it what happened last night?" She asked me.

"Well that's a funny story!" I said.

"Tell me!" She demanded.

"Before that, this man needs his morning kisses!" I said and kissed her.

And then I tell her everything.

"Oh my God. I am never drinking again. Please don't let me" she said

"I don't know Riley, you were funny. I love the drunk Riley better" I said.

"You are insufferable" Riley told me throwing a pillow.

"I got a video of you dancing. Want to see?" I asked her.

"Sure" she said.

"I am a funny dancer" she said.

"Which made it more adorable!" I said and kissed her shoulders.

Then I know I love all shades of her. And then I decided I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

 And then I decided I want to spend the rest of my life with her

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End of the bonus chapter.

Did I do this chapter good? That's it.
And Randrew lived happily and goofily ever after.

End of the story "Andrew Davila DM'd Me!?!"

Word Count: 658

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