Chapter - 12

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Long time no see. But I am back. Whoo-hoo!

Riley's PoV:

Saturday evening went by a blur. I reached home. Had dinner with the squad and dozed off.

Sunday morning came real quick. It is like I just went to sleep but the sun was very quick to rise. Yawning I woke up from the bed. I realised I had many notifications and DMs from whatsapp and instagram. This has become a usual thing for me ever since Andrew and I become friends. I get tagged in the fan pages edits.


Drew💙: RED. Up to hang out at the twins house?


From the group.

Ben: Guy guys! It is a Sunday!

Lexi R: Ben!. You are near me. STOP SHOUTING! And wow that is a new information

Ben : 😏😏😏 meanie.

Brent: ............

Pierson: Are you speachless for me? Awww

Me: guys please keep it PG.

Drew💙: you heard Riley.

Brent: look who's is talking now. SIMP.

Drew💙: I am not. Yet!

Lexi H: what's the talk on a Sunday morning! People are sleeping here. And oh hey RANDREW!

Me: oh God. It is too early for me to deal with this.

Drew💙: aww RED I feel the love.

Pierson and Lexi R: he calls her RED. Awwwwww. Cute.

Allie💃🏻👯: guys. Cut it out and come to the point!

Me: hello to you sunshine 😂

Drew💙: she never calls me sunshine

Me: David Andrew Davila. Shut up.

Drew💙: yes mam. You have rendered me speachless. 🤭

Me: 🤨🧐🧐🤨

Allie💃🏻👯: ohoo PDA. Anyways guys. Thank you so much for your contribution to the Evans Clothing. Summer collection sales have sky rocketed. Mom and Dad extends their gratefulness to the squad. ❤️

Brent: Awww. Thank you Allie! We are forever grateful.

Drew💙, Ben, Lexi R, Lexi H, Pierson: Thank You Allie.

Brent: so roast marshmallows at my place?

Me: oh marshmallows I am down! 🏃🏻‍♀️

Drew💙, Ben, Lexi R, Lexi H, Pierson: hell yeah!

Alan: wow. 65+ messages.

Alex: good morning beautiful people.

Alex: guys ?

Me: uh. Alex?

Alex: Riley?

Me: Alex?

Alan: Riley?

Me: ok we are going in circles. No one is going to reply dude. Everyone's busy if you know what I mean 🤭

Alex: please I needn't hear that.

Alan: my poor ears.

Me: dramatic. Meet you guys later today.

Andrew Davila DM'd MeWhere stories live. Discover now