Chapter - 24

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Photo credit: Pinterest: ZarinaDicaprio

Well! Hi there!

News #1: this book has reached 2K reads.  This is so impressive. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE RESPONSE!

News #2: I have entered this book to Wattapd India Awards 2020. Hopefully we win *fingers crossed*. And I am supposed to complete this book by November 20th. I haven't planned the number of chapters yet. But I will keep you posted on that.

Done with my news! Anyways enjoy a chapter in Andrew's PoV.

Andrew's PoV:

Two months of being in relationship with Riley. It was absolute bliss. I am falling more and more in love with her. Yes I am absolutely in love with her. Few fights here and there but that only made us closer than ever.

"You didn't tell Riley about her!" My inner voice screamed at me.

"Yes yes. I will tell her." I replied.

"Make it fast. I have a feeling that a storm is brewing somewhere" My inner voice said.

"I didn't hear about any storm in the news today" I am being sarcastic to myself. What the hell!

"Not funny, dude!" My inner voice replied.

"Take a chill pill. I will tell her!" I replied.

Last week I met Riley's family. They were cool about me and Riley being together. I love her family as my own. I am not loosing this girl not now not ever. I am yet to introduce her to my Parents. I am debating whether to take her down personally or introduce her through a video call.

My stream of thoughts were broken when Alan entered the living room with his girlfriend Megan.

"Yo, Drew!" Alan greeted me.

"Hey, Alan!" I greeted him back.

"Hey, Andrew. Where's Riley?" Megan asked me.

"Riley is busy right now with the completion of her project" I replied her.

"You are proud of her, aren't you?" Megan asked me.

"Yes, I am very much proud"
I said thinking of how her eyes light up when she talks about her project. I absolutely don't understand it but seeing her speak with so much passion makes me really happy.

"Hey, I am stealing my girl" Alan said taking Megan's hand.

"Whipped!" I shouted.

"Damn right. I am" Alan said laughing.

"Kill me now!" Alex said whining.

"Glad to. But why?" I asked Alex laughing.

"Right. Go ahead and laugh at my misery filled single life" Alex said

"Oh our poor thing!" I said feeling sad for him.

"Don't forget you are my first girlfriend!" I said laughing again.

"Thank you. That makes me feel better" Alex said laughing as well.


Red💕: miss you. xoxo.

I was scrolling through my instagram. There were so many edits of Riley and I. I love my fans. They mean so much to me.

I hear a knock on the door. And I opened it to see a grinning Riley.

"God. I missed you too!" Riley said jumping and wrapping her legs around my waist.

"My little pumpkin" I said and hugged her tight.

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