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Finn and y/n are in first period one of the many classes they have together.
Y/n feels a burning sensation in the back of her neck and senses someone staring at her. She looks back and she sees finn looking at her. He looks away quick and she smiles before looking forward and continuing her work.

Finn stops looking at y/n and smiles to himself. When she smiled at him he felt butterflies in his stomach he had a huge crush on y/n but he was a 'weird freak' which is what people called him as he passed through the halls. Y/n could never like Finn.

no matter how right he would treat her those words the students
spit at him will always stay in his mind reminding him each and every night poking at his ego.

The bell rang making finn snap out of his thoughts of y/n. He wanted her so bad not in a sexual way as most boys in this school did.

Finn gets out of his seat as everyone has already walked out. Finn puts his head down leaving the class trying to walk as fast as possible before getting pushed into a locker. He hears faint laughing as he feels himself getting heated from embarrassment. He looks behind him and rolls his eyes as his eyes meet with Jack's. An asshole whos been bugging him since he moved here.

Jack grins as he stands by his friends. Finn walks to his locker and puts the stuff he doesnt need away. He closes his locker than someone taps his shoulder. He looks behind him and sees y/n. He gets nervous and gulps.
"Hey finn"
Y/n smiles widely
Finn stutters as if hes speaking for the first time.

"I saw what happened, are you okay?"
Y/n raises an eyebrow and looks into finns eyes
Finn nods he feels himself getting shakey hes never spoken to y/n before he's tried but all that comes out is weird noises.
"Are you alright?"
Y/n questions finn as she notices hes acting weirder.

Y/n looks around seeing that her friends are watching her and whispering to eachother. "I gotta go finn see you around"
Y/n speaks and walks towards her friends.

Y/ns pov

I notice my friends whispering to eachother as they stare at me talking to finn "i gotta go finn see you around" i smile and he nods i walk to them and raise an eyebrow "is there something wrong" i speak up
"No but also yes why are you talking to Finn" sadie asks while looking at finn then back at me
I look behind me at him and hes looking at the ground and just fiddles with his fingers.

I look back at them and shrug "because hes lonely and i saw Jack being an asshole and he pushed finn into the lockers when Finn wasnt even doing anything wrong" i tried my best defending Finn. I wanna give him a chance but people are so judgey. "Yeah hes also a freak" sophia snapped i shook my head in response.

"What makes him a freak" i raise my voice but not to loud "someone said they saw him hit a dead bird repeatedly with a rock" Joyce spoke up after being silent the whole time "just because someone said it, that doesn't mean theyre telling the truth" i snapped back at them. "We dont even know him so we cant judge" i added and sighed

"Yeah we dont know him thats why you need to be careful"
Sadie said and she came close to me and hugged me and pulled away before i could hug back "i just dont want you to get hurt"
I nod and the bell rings as i go to my class.


The bell rings and i head to the cafeteria and buy myself orange juice. I go to my table with Sophia, Sadie and Joyce and sit down. "Theres a party on friday and i was wondering if you guys would like to come?" I ask to start a conversation.
"I wish i was as popular as you to be invited"
"Sadie you are popular" sophia giggles
"Its a party everyones invited" i speak up and look at Joyce "so do you guys wanna come i dont wanna go alone"

Sophia and Joyce said yes we all look at sadie for her answer
"Fine ill go"
We all cheer but it was interrupted by a crowd of people getting into a big circle
"Is a fight starting?" Joyce questions
I shrug and we go over to the crowd. I make my way through the crowd and see Jack on top of finn pushing the lunch food into Finns face
"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yell and make my way to Jack and try pulling him off of Finn. He doesnt even budge

I grit my teeth and jump onto his back i start smacking his head
"Get off bitch" he yells
"Leave Finn alone first" I wrap my arms around his neck and start squeezing, he stops and i get off of him.
"You little bit- oh hey y/n"
I roll my eyes "asshole" i go to finn and grab his hand i help him up everyone goes back to their seat

I go and grab napkins and help Finn clean up. "You have to fight back once in a while Finn" i say as i wipe the gravy off his cheek.


"Fight back"

Is all that ran through finns thoughts
Finn smiles at y/n. He loves how sweet y/n is, how her hair smells like cotton candy with a pinch of bubble gum. He loves how her hair moves when she walks. How soft her voice is when she speaks.

Y/ns pov

I smile at him "dont let them pick on you anymore Finn" i sigh "do you talk much i mean i would like to hear what you sound like and be your friend" "theres this party on friday and i was wondering if youd like to come with me?"
"I-i would like that"
He responds sending a smile on my face

"heres my phone number"
i grab a piece of paper and write my number down and hand it to him "i got to go, see you finn" I say before going back to sadie.

Please give the other parts a try i know this one isnt that good but the rest are better please give it a shot.

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