Chapter 1

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You lie in bed. Procrastinating about whether or not you should message Kenma. You know that if you do he might not respond cos he's probably playing video games. But if you don't, he'll be mad at you for not talking to him. So you decide to message him anyway, even though you might not get a response straight away.

Monday 8th June - 6:22pm

                                                           Other Captain:

Y/N. What do
you want? I'm
playing video games.

                                                          Other Captain:
                                                          I just wanted to
                                                         say hi.

No. You want
something. What
do you want?

                                                    Other Captain:
                                                    Ok. Fine. You got
                                                    me. I wanna train
                                                    with you guys
                                                    after school
                                                    tomorrow. Please?

Y/N. Don't use
🥺. You know
I find it cute
and fall for it
every time.

                                                           Other Captain:
                                                           I know. I did it
                                                           for a reason.
                                                          So. Please?

Fine. You can
train with us

                                                           Other Captain:
                                                           Yay! Kenma,
                                                           you're the

You're unsure if what you just did was a good idea or not. But you really wanted to see the team your friend played with. You were also curious as to who else Kenma hung out with when he wasn't with you.

The Next Day:
You walked to school like you normally did when you saw someone you hadn't seen walking the same direction as you before. You begin to pick up the pace to see if you knew the person. They eventually turn around and see you. You blush and quickly look to the ground.

"Hey." He says. His tone soft and immediately began to soothe you and almost abolish your worries.

"Hi." You eventually say in return. Your face still bright red.

"I'm Kuroo." He says, he has to look down at you because of the height difference.

You begin to stare at him when his facial expression slightly changes. You could tell he was gesturing you to say your name but you couldn't speak. Eventually, you open your mouth and respond.

"Oh. I'm Y/N." You say in response.

"Wait. Don't you go to Nekoma?" He asks you, with a curious look on his face.

"Y- Yh. I'm good friends with Kenma." You respond but realise he might not even know who Kenma is and you could've just made a fool out of yourself.

"Oh Kenma. Yh. He's on the volleyball team that I captain." He responds, with a genuine smile on his face.

You let out a huge sigh of relief as you didn't make a fool out of yourself. Then you realise that you're going to be training with him later.

You continue on your walk to school in silence, when he starts a conversation.

"Hey. Y/N. You sighed earlier. What was that about?" He questioned. You thought he was joking but when you looked at his face you realised he was being dead serious.

"Oh. That I didn't make a fool out of myself for mentioning Kenma when there was a small chance you didn't know who he was." You said in response.

He began to laugh as he found the whole situation funny. You then start laughing with him. After a short while, you both stop laughing and go back to being silent.

Until eventually, Kuroo starts the conversation again.

"Could I have your number so I can text you?" He asks, realising he might sound weird by doing so.

"Yh sure it's..." You say in response.

You continue to walk to school when you eventually get there.

"Oh. I have to go this way. Since your friends with Kenma, I guess I'll see you at lunch then. See ya." He says as he starts to fade into the distance.

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