Chapter 7

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Y/N's POV:
After Kenma said he was going to come to mine with a friend, I immediately started to tidy up my apartment. I was still thinking about calling out to my mum earlier but tried to push it to the back of my mind. I realised I didn't have much food in my house, so I was debating whether or not I should go out and get food. That's when I heard a knock on my front door. I jumped slightly as it brought me away from my train of thought.

"Hello Y/N. I hadn't heard from you in a while, so I decided to bring you some food." The guy said.

"Oh thank you so much Suga. You really didn't have to." You said, taking the bag from him.

"No. No it's perfectly fine. Anything for a friend." Suga said, before taking his leave.

Third Person POV:
You went back inside and began to put the food away. Your dog came into the kitchen and started to sit next to you. You looked down at her and went back to putting the food away. After a while, you finished putting the food away and went to go and sit on your sofa. Then, another knock at your door caused you to jump off the sofa. You got up and went to the door, Mochi followed you.

"Hey." You say, trying to stop Mochi from running outside.

"Hey Y/N. You alright?" Kuroo asked, without knowing the whole situation.

"I guess." You said, still looking at the floor.

"You guys can come in you know?" You added.

The two entered your apartment and removed their shoes. You then guided them into the sitting room and asked if they wanted anything to eat. Kenma asked for a drink and Kuroo asked for a sandwich. You went into your kitchen and prepared everything for the 3 of you. You then emerged out of the kitchen to see the 2 watching tv. You walked over and gave them the sandwich and drink before going back into the kitchen to get your noodles.

At this point, your dog had decided to jump on Kuroo and sit on his lap. Kuroo didn't seem to mind and was gently stroking the dog. You went over to the sofa and shooed your dog off of Kuroo. She jumped off and went to go and sit on the carpet. You sat down on the sofa and ate your noodles. Both Kuroo and Kenma looking over to you to make sure you were really alright.

"So, what's your dog's name?" Kuroo asked.

"Oh. Her name is Mochi." You said before eating more noodles.

"What made you name her Mochi?" Kenma enquired.

"To be honest, I didn't name her, my mum did. She said she reminded her of mochi." You said, a tear rolling down your cheek.

"Hey. Hey don't cry." Kuroo said, oblivious to the situation.

"Hey, are you sure your parents are ok with us staying over for the night?" Kuroo added.

That's when it hit you. You began to cry. You put your plate aside and just cried, quietly. You hugged your knees and just let it all out. Not saying a word. Eventually, the slight tears turned to a mini flood of them. You couldn't hold it back any longer. You still didn't say anything. That's when something unexpected happened. Someone was hugging you. You let go of your knees and looked up to see it was Kuroo.

"It's ok. I'm sorry for what I said. I'm not quite sure of the full story, but I hope you'll tell me when you are ready." Kuroo said, still holding you in an embrace.

You pushed back slightly to let him know it's ok now.

"Yeah. I think I'll just say it now." You said, wiping away your tears.

"Are you sure?" Kenma asked.

"Yeah. So it all happened when I was younger. I think I was about 5." You paused and looked over at Kenma to which he nodded. "My mum fell ill, causing me and my dad to have to care for her. It meant I had to miss a lot of school. My dad was working, so I had to stay home a lot. Eventually, my mum sadly passed away. My dad became very distant and sold the house I grew up in. I had no-one. I had no choice left but to go to my uncle. That's how I got this apartment. He helps me and I'm extremely grateful. But I haven't heard from my dad since then." You paused again to wipe your tears but Kuroo beat you to it.

"Mochi was the dog my mum had bought for us when I was 4. She sadly passed away when I was 10. So my uncle bought me a new one. I haven't always lived in this apartment. I moved here when I was 13. And I've looked after myself since then." You finished.

"Y/N. I'm so sorry for prying." Kuroo said.

"No. No it's perfectly fine. You deserved to know." You said, smiling a fake smile.

"I'm staying for the night." Kuroo said, seriously.

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